Wednesday, March 12, 2008

the drama and the trauma

Motch has a problem. She doesn't like me wandering off to the neighbor's yard when I go outside. "Petra," she said, "this will help you stay out of trouble."

I thought she might have a treat in her hand. But no! She took her hand and tied me to the rope!

Lights, camera, action! Whee! I broke free!

An appropriate ending, wouldn't you say?


Ruby Bleu said...

OMD - how rude!!! Not only does she have you tied up but she films you pooping!!! That's your private business!!! Shame on Motch.

You better be careful of not getting all tangled up on that rope, ok? Oh and just tell Motch to watch your eyes...the little pimply things should go away in a week or so, but if they don't or get bigger you may want to call the V.E.T. For me they are usually just clogged tear ducks!

Lots of Licks Little P!


Lady Kaos said...

HA!HA!HA! That was hilarious! Good job! I don't get put on a chain very often because I make a very high pitched whinining noise that drives Mom and Dad crazy. I think your way works much better!!

Duke said...

You're just too strong for that stinkin rope, Petra! Way to go!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

I guess you showed Motch what you thought of her plan. We can see that Fig has been doing a good job training you in the ways of a terrier. You are very intelligent. Motch should beware.

Peanut said...

Good job little lady. Tie outs are evil evil thing.

Mack said...

Boy can you run!!!

And yes, a very appropriate ending!!

Stanley said...

As Jenny yelled to Forrest,

I hope Motch got the hint about that tie out thing. Maybe she'll put up a fence and then you can run to your heart's content! (hint hint)

What IS it with hoomans and their fascination with our pooping? I'll never get that.

Goober love & congratulatory smooches,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
I would not be happy tied to a rope either!
The ending of the video was you way to tell Motch how you feel about it??
Good job!
Kisses and hugs

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Petra -

It's nice to meet you! As you can tell, we are really new to blogging. Mama hasn't figured out yet how to link blogs to other blogs.

We'll have to look at your video.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Asta said...

Hi Petra

That was vewy funny!!!
I love how you wun!! and I think the ending was vewy appwopwiate to how you felt about being tied, but pleez be caweful Petwa..don't wun faw fwom youw scawes me to think you might get lost ow stolen ow huwt
smoochie kisses
pee ess.I am NOT a twavel agent..I just get bowed easily

FleasGang said...

If you poo ON the rope, Motch will be too grossed out to pick it up anymore so you won't get tied up ;-)

The FleasGang

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Petra -

Thanks for your comment about Bruno. We are so sad. Mama is especially sad because Bosco went to heaven the same day only two years before.

You are right it is hard to lose a loved one. Do you have a page on Dogster? If you want to see ours the links are on the blog. If you want to see Bruno's page the link is

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow you are fast and tricky too..
Mom just puts you on the leash to keep you safe.. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Jen and Suki said...

Triumph would say "that is a good leash... FOR ME TO POOP ON!" Which is pretty dang funny! You are such a quick little dog.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness
I need to be trained by you!That was an excellant move tearing the leash!!!

PS:We are disappearing for a while,mommys brother is coming and then she is going home to India so we will come back to blogging in June !


Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure can zoom very fast Petra. :)

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

Motch seriously thought that little cord could stand the strength of a zooming boston. I am glad you crapped on that idea ;)

MJ's doghouse said...

run for your can do little string is going to hold back a dog....geeez...she should be ashamed of herself

Anonymous said...

You are one fast Boston just like Ruby and Sophia. Nanny did not put the hat on me Asta's mommi did, Nanny isn't that smart. Thanks for welcoming my sissy Pearl, she is still getting settled in and will blog to you soon.
Opal & Pearl & Nanny