Wednesday, April 16, 2008

peamutt butter cookies

Because of the adoption days of Dawson on 4/21 (Moco) and Flash on 4/15 (Peanut & Flash), I decided to make cookies in their honor. I chose to make the Peamutt Butter ones because Pea is part of my name, even though mutt is not (Petra Pot Pie Peapod Piano Player Pretty Perrific).Quick as a wink, I threw together the olive oil, oatmeal, wholewheat flour, water and peamutt butter, then rolled out the dough and cut it with the bone cookie cutter. Into the oven it went for 35 minutes and presto!
There they were! I really felt like Emeril for a moment.
Then the little red hen - whoops! I mean the little brindle boston -- sat down to eat.

Oh my, was it good.And it kept getting betterto the very last bite.


Ferndoggle said...

What a great gal you are Petra! Those cookies look amazing. I'm gonna have Mom make us some for End of Tax Season!


Lady Kaos said...

That was a great idea Petra! I'm going to have to have Mom make us some cookies, too!

Mack said...

You are way better than Emeril! And muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better looking!
That picture of you on the counter is P R E S H U S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Those look really yummy..

Class is going well. I have the best "stay" and Louie still has the best "come" The instructor is still amazed at how quickly Louie picks things up...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Duke said...

Those cookies look so yummiest ever, Petra! You're much better than Emerill in our book!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Those cookies look so yummy, Emeril could never be that good. Ask use Momma to e-mail Nanny the recipe so we coulds make some pwease.

Joe Stains said...

that recipe certainly looks easy enough! It must be fun to taste test, I never get to do that when Mom is cooking

2shibas said...

My, what a loooooong name you have! Hahahaha.

We wish you could stay that size furrever because it looks so cute to see such a regal-looking face on such a pint-sized body!

Great baking job!
Wiley & Fievel

Ruby Bleu said...

Such talent for somepup so young!!!! They look delish!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Sure you have a very loooooong name!
I am drooling looking at you eating that cookie! I have some bad words for my mom who has me on a diet!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

Well I am honored you would make cookies because of my adoption day. I hope you got more then one of them. You have a very long name.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh you look so cute sitting there to munch on your cookie. I bet it's very tasty

~ Girl girl

Moco said...

Dawson is thrilled that you would make cookies for his adoption day. You should have a blog like Joe Stain's mom. We are glad that you are enjoying the fruits of your labor so heartly.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Thanks for your wishes on our class. Mom and Dad have us practicing every night.. We love it since there are lots of treats involved..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Anonymous said...

Petra, you are such a cutie. But you really should chew with your mouth closed. I guess they don't do that in doggie-land! Grammy loves you anyway...give me a bite!

Anonymous said...
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Luckie Girl said...

Awww...did you leave any crumbs for me??

FleasGang said...

Those bones look tasty! And I bet they smelled wonderful while they were baking in the oven. Our pawents aren't much of the "baking" type, but we think even they could handle these!

Happy Weekend
The Fleas

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yes we love making new friends. Rocky is a Great Dan and little Imus is a Corgie dog. We never know whether he is sitting or standing..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Petra,
Those cookies look awesome! You don't know how much I love a lady dog who can cook ... wink, wink.
Murphy Dogg

Asta said...

Ihad no idea you wewe such an amazingy talented chef..those cookies look simply scwumptious!!1
I'm going to ask Mommi to make some fow me too
thank you fow the inspiwation
smoochie kisses

Stanley said...

Petra Girl!

I'm with Mack. I particularly love that photo of you on the counter, showing the finished product. Your facial expression KILLS ME!

My girl is finally inspired to make me some cookies. Ihope there's peamutt butter in them!

Goob love,