Tuesday, October 21, 2008

who gives a boot?

Do you guys remember my boots? Every little rip and tear was done by me!
The other day, Fig wanted to play with them, so I decided to be nice and share. But Fig doesn't realize her strength. She puts a boot in her mouth and shakes the daylights out of it. If you're anywhere near her, you might find yourself lying in a corner of the room.

Here I am, really wanting to play, but the memory of the boot in my face causes me to be cautiously optimistic.

And then fearless Tadpole shows up to lend moral support.


Beckett said...

What a show of moral support by Tadpole! A shining example of why I am voting for the Tadpole Pomegranate/Joseph Stains ticket this Nosevember!


Ferndoggle said...

Petra, you're giving Fig the boot...literally! Nice of you to share.


Moco said...

That Tadpole is very brave to venture into uncharted territory with you and Fig. Fig might have taken that boot and knocked him into the netherland. You of course have her back when it all goes down.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Yes, we remember your boots, Petra. You are wise to be careful as we are pretty sure that one of those upside your head would HURT!
pee ess hay petra. it iz ok fer us tu just sit togefer on that plane. mom splaned to mi u r fery yung to date.she sed we kin b frenz. i stil fink u r the cuterest tho! an i wil bring sum corney dogs tu!(Mango sez it iz cuz i am weird or sumfink cuz i tawk funy. but i am not.i am sweet!)
Hi 5s

Lady Kaos said...

That's so nice of you to share and so nice of Tadpole to lend some support. You are a nice family!

Mack said...

Talk about the ultimate chew toy!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

LOL! That looks like such some awesome playtime! I love chewing stuff too!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
That sure is a tasty boot!
I just can imagine Fig shaking it!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh... that boot must be tasty

~ Girl girl

Balboa said...

Between the three of you, there won't be a boot any more.

Frenchie Snorts

Joe Stains said...

You are very brave getting in there like that. Fig is also very patient!