Tuesday, November 25, 2008

my very own stain

Thanksgiving is coming, and my aunt and uncle are spending Wednesday night with us. They sleep on a hide-a-bed but it has pokey springs in it, so Motch puts a sleeping bag under the sheet to give it more cushion.
She pulled it from the closet, and I found its straps and had lots of fun unraveling the bag. Motch was busy with other things, but suddenly I heard her say "PETRA! NOOOOOOO!"
I sensed that I was in trouble. But the only reason I peed on it was because Sadie used to pee on this sleeping bag, and I just couldn't resist the urge to follow in her footsteps. No doubt she was watching me from Rainbow Bridge saying "Atta girl, PPP!"

Did I do good enough to earn an award, Joe?
Motch will be working at home tomorrow getting ready for company and she won't be on the computer, so I just want to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone!


Joe Stains said...

AWESOME! You are definitely in the running for the stain award!!! omdog this is great!!!

Eduardo said...

You deserve that stain award! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Beckett said...

Great work, Petra!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Perfectly understandable Petra. Pee mail was already on it, so you had to leave some too. You were just being polite!
Happy, happy Thanksgiving to all of your family. We hope all you doggies will get a bite o 2 of turkey!
hay petrapotpie!! sunny wuz rite. u wuz jus bein nice!
happy fanksgifing tu all ov yur famly. mmmuuaahhh!

The Puppies said...

I think you should definitely get a stain award!! Good job!! I don't know why parents get so upset when we do stuff like that!! Don't they know we are just telling other dogs we were there!! Or claiming our beds/sleeping bags?
The Puppies

Ruby Bleu said...

Nice work Lil' P!!! You've done Sadie proud. I think it definitely deserves a Stain award - W00t!!!

I sure hope you have a happy t-day!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

FleasGang said...

You learned from the best Petra. That's an awesome stain and I'm sure Sadie would be proud :-)

Happy Gobbler Day to you and your family too!


Mack said...

You are truly a Boston P3!!

Congrats on your first year blogaversary!

Peanut said...

Good job on the pee. Happy Thanksgiving.

Duke said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Petra!
We definitely think you should get the stain award!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kelli said...

Oh my Petra! You should definitely get an award for that special holiday stain! I peed under the Christmas tree last year! I forgot to get gifts for everyone so I just left my "present" there when I came down in the morning! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Aki and Poopie said...

happy thanksgiving Petra! The stain you made was sure enough to win you an award from me if i was giving out one.

Lovely pumpkins you have there at the back. Are they edible? They look really yummy.. mmm...

drooly kisses,


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Oh dear...a stain would be bad news for my Mom, but it's all good for me! hehe! Hope you win the award, Petra!

Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Petra! Hope you'll get loads of yummy food and treats...*wink*


MJ's doghouse said...

wow petra...good freakin job little girl....i betcha joe gets that award out very soon....

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Perfect timing on your stain. You could get extra points for that. Angels whispering in your ear from the bridge cannot be ignored. That's what mine says, anyway.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
The Stain Award belongs to you!!!
Good job!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kisses and hugs

leah said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure Sadie is very proud!

Moco said...

A memorial to Sadie. You did good.
It is hard to believe that you have been doing this for a year. Time flies.
We are so happy for Leah. That Tad is a pistol. Who else would poop in the hall during a party?

Bae Bae said...

You definately deserve the stain award Petra. ;)

~ Bae

..... said...

Hey Petra,

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one to pee on blankets! I guess you just wanted to let your family know that this sleeping bag belongs to you now, but human beings can't understand us pissing on stuff for that simple reason.

Hope you'll get your stain award!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Colden, the Frenchie Boston.

Stella said...

Whoa, Petra Girl!

That is one MIGHTY FINE stain, I must say. However, I understand that obtaining the actual Stain Award is harder than I thought. With my poo art I thought I had it in the bag, but still no award.

Your stain, however, covers a much bigger area than mine, and elicited even more of a response from Motch than my girl gave to mine. So, I'm betting you'll be getting your award any day now.

I have to say, that while I am overjoyed at your good fortune, I am longing for a Stain Award to call my own. Maybe someday...

Happy Thanksgiving to all at Casa de Petra. Give some of my goob love to your neice Figg & nephew Tadpole!

Goobery love & kissies,
Stella Bean Latifah

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

How could you resist?
Have a Happy Turkey Day with family and friends...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Thanksgiving to my adorable friend.
I'm blessed to have friend like you and I'm so thankful for that.

Lady Kaos said...

You definately deserve the award! I bet Sadie is very proud of you!