Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thanks Mack!

I was one of the lucky winners of Mack's stain contest, and so I got to choose a charity and Mack made a donation in my name as my prize. Isn't he just the best?! I chose World Vision because we sponsor a little boy who lives in Africa through their organization. So thank you very much, Mackie!
It snowed here again last night so I watched at 4:30 AM as Motch shoveled the snow from our deck so that I could go potty (hee! hee!). I'm sorry she was too tired to take a picture because the snow was pretty. The winds are supposed to pick up tonight and sub-zero weather is in the forecast. Brrrrr! I'm planning to sleep all day and have a treat when Motch gets home. What are you guys up to today?


Asta said...

I think I'm going to sneep all day's fweezing out, and I don't even have pwetty snow.
congwatulations on youw win, and that wondewful choice of owganization fow youw donation.
love and smoochie kisses

Eduardo said...

Macky is so cool! Is that treat good or is it great!?!?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Well it's been +3Celsius here and we have been walking about 7 kilometres because we saw the sun! It's a while since we saw sun last time, so me and Jane went little crazy.....

FleasGang said...

Congrats on winning Mack's contest and what a cool idea for a prize!

So you made your mom shovel snow @ 4:30am so you could go potty? She's gonna have to teach you how to walk on stilts so she doesn't have to do that any more :-)

Shelly & Tommy

Lady Kaos said...

4:30 am? Mom says it's against the law to get up that early!! Or maybe she just tells em that so I won't get up that early.
Not much is going on here either.

Duke said...

That was very, very sweet of Mack!
We have cold weather here too, Petra! No walkies today and we're expecting snow tomorrow and REALLY cold temps so no walkies again! We're bummed!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kelli said...

Hi Petra!
Congrats on being one of the winners! That's a very good cause you chose! It's gonna be cold here too so I will probably stay inside where it's warm and cuddle with peoples!

Mack said...

Your Welcome Little P!!!

It is way cold where you live. We are shivering down here and the thermometer says 52 degrees!

I've been mainly resting and taking it easy today while mom's at work. Gotta save up some energy so I can run from her when she tries to cuddle with me!

Tadpole said...

We are sleeping and eating baby carrots over here!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Sounds like you have a really cold and snowy time there!
Better stay inside warm and comfy!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


We love that organization too. What a great prize from the Mackster!

Your snoozin' idea is a pretty popular one! We did a lot of that after some major wrasslin' sessions this morning.

Goober love,

Aki and Poopie said...

gee petra.. taht was a really cool prize to have.. we are so glad that you won. congratulations to you and your organization too!

dont forget to wear your winter clothes now. we dont want you to catch a cold now.. hehe..

drooly kisses,


Joe Stains said...

brrrr that so totally sucks about the weather, stay WARM!! we are just hanging out, Mom is not feeling so good.