Thursday, February 12, 2009

love love love

Thanks so much, everybody, for your kinds words, thoughts and prayers for my granpda. He will stay in the nursing home until March 1, then he'll have to move to another one because of insurance issues. Things could be better and could be worse, so I guess things are okay with him.
Things are very okay at home because Fig and Tad have been coming to visit me. See how nice Fig is? She let me take the nylabone and chew it right next to her and didn't yell (bark) at me to go away.
And since valentine's day is just around the corner, I'm wishing you all a happy valentine's day just a little early.

And happy anniversary to Motch and PA who were married on valentine's day 33 years ago!


Moco said...

1: We are glad to hear that G-pa is doing better. It is hard to be 90. He is very lucky to have pups and humans like you.
2: We can't believe that Fig is licking herself while you are almost on top of her chewing on that bone. Has she mellowed or what.
3: Happy Anniversary to Motch and PA. Our old crazy bat (Grammie) and the big old fire monkey (Pappy) were married in February also. They will have 34 years on the 27th.

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Anniversary to Motch and PA - woot!!!

And you and Fig have become just the best of buddies...I think that is GREAT!!! Oh, and tell Taddy I saw him on TV the other night...on the Westy-Minster show!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Happy Anniversary to Motch and PA!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Are you going to have a big celebration??
Paws crossed for Grandpa!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said...

Happy early anniversary to your parents P3!

And Fig sure was being nice!

Bae Bae said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too Petra. It's nice that Fig and Tad comes visit and play with you

~ Bae

Joe Stains said...

Happy Anniversary to Motch and PA! 33 years is like before there was even lectricity, right?? wow.

I love a good paw licking like Fig was doing, glad she didn't mind you coming in with your bone.

Stanley said...

Way to GO, Motch & Pa! Hope you're even friskier now than you were 33 years ago!

Keep us posted on Grandpa, and know that we'll keep praying for him & his situation. Give him a healing goob smooch from us, okay?

I can't believe how mellow Fig is. What's going on with her? Did she have some kind of life-changing experience recently? Hmmm?

Goober love,

Duke said...

Happy 33rd Anniversary to Motch and Pa! Your parents are almost as old as ours, Petra!
That was sure nice of Fig to share the nylabone with you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh my dogness are Motch and PA way old like Grammie and Pappy? Happy Anniversary to them. Happy Valentine's Day to you

FleasGang said...

Petra is a real therapy dog, isn't she?! Pups do have a healing power about them :-)

Happy Anniversary to you and let your Pop know that he has a bunch of strange dogs sending icy nose nudges and sloppy kisses his way!

Shelly & Tommy

Stanislaw said...

Hey lady. We're rootin' here for your grandpa. Hope he's feeling better soon!

Happy anniversary to your folks!

Enjoy your LOVEly weekend!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I keep praying for your grandparents, Petra.
Happy 33th Anniversary Motch and PA.
Happy Valentine sweet Petra
Hope your Valentines Day is filled with extra kisses, treats, hugs & belly rubs!