Christmas at our house means baking and frosting cookies.
These sugar cookies take TIME, and I mean lots and lots of time.

I used to get bored and take naps while baking was going on because I never get any cookies to eat, but this year things changed.

Thanks to Fig, I learned that food is available in places other than the kitchen.

Take a look at this tree. There are BERRIES to eat! And PINE CONES!


We had a small problem, but it didn't take us long to solve it.

Fig can work miracles!
Hi, Petra!
All those cookies look delicious!
Fig is teaching you to be... in trouble!
I hope you don't get caught!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
Woh.. those cookies look yummilicious..
~ Bae
Oh my goodness, what a naughty Fig!
That picture of her standing up is hilarious, it reminds me of when I used to put chocolate Santas on the tree when my kids were little and they all disappeared in about an hour, lol.
Those cookies look scrumptious, mmmm.
Those cookies are amazing. Your pinky is very clever. Ours doesn't have the patience to do anything like that.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Miss Petra,
Those cookies are so pretty (like you!)
I see Figgy & Tad are teaching you lots of useful stuff!
Bless Fig for introducing you to gingerbread men and right off the tree! How cool, Petra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Petra you are back, so is my computer.
So how do you like your house guests? Don't follow in Tad's footsteps please, Motch will be very upset. Be careful what you eat off that tree, you don't want a tummy ache.
Tell Motch I am waiting for some cookies, they look so delish!
Love to all
I would like some of those cookies but the stuff on the tree is not bad.
It looks like Santa has come to your house already! You guys are lucky.
Those are delicious looking cookies!!
Shelly & Tommy
Gosh your house looks very festive. I bet there are loads of pressies under there for you Petra.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
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