Do you see this? It's a bone, just for me, that Motch brought back from her trip. She must have felt guilty for snuggling up to the dog at the pet store.

I wasn't sure what to do because I've never had anything like this before. All I get are little bitty doggie treats when I potty outside or carrots (thanks to Tad).

I had to make sure it was safe to eat and that there were no hidden red chili peppers in it.

If this is what happens when Motch loves on other dogs, Motchie, press on!
Yummy, yummy, yummy into little Petra's tummy. You are so polite. At this house we swallow in one bite. We are not a danity bunch. Enjoy that treat.
Oh what's the white side of that bone? Looks yummy. You should get all sorts of treats when Tad isn't there. Tell Motch to get with it.
That's just what I figured little pretty Petra Pup Pie!
She missed you SOOOOO much, she was prolly thinking of you the entire time!
hey buddy,
send me an email and I will give you all the details to register for the Bone Zone.
That looks like a super good treat Petra! Hope you enjoyed it!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hi, Petra!
You got a yummy treat! I wish I could have some!
Kisses and hugs
that looks like a suitable gift to make up for the betrayal. how did it taste?
A dipped bone! Boy does that ever look tasty! Lucky you, Petra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
that is a tasty looking bone, need any helping chewing it? hee hee
Frenchie Snorts
oooohh...love treats like that!
You awe so cute being caweful in inspecting that bone..I'm glad you liked it in the end
enjoy it!
smoochie kisses
That looks like a pretty tasty treat! Sometimes guilt is the best way to get treats, isn't it?
That was so sweet of Motch. See she didn't forget about you at all..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Guilt works to a dogs advantage every time. You're very smart for making sure the bone was safe first. you never know what they put into your food sometimes.
I'm glad you saw me on TV..it was fun..I don't think I could evew impwove o youw booty!! You awe one of the most gowgeous giwls I know, but you'we welcome to bowwow any of my clothes that you want
smoochie kisses
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