Sunday, September 28, 2008

vacation story part I

Can you see me? The boy decided to wait until the day that Motch and PA got home from their trip to mow the lawn.Walking through grass that had been growing for two weeks was hard.

But life is returning to normal now that Motch and PA are back from their trip. Motch took about 500 pictures and I promise that I won't bore you will all of them, but I'll show you some of my favorites in the next few days.
El Al Airlines carried them from NYC to Tel Aviv, and since Motch doesn't sleep on airplanes, she wandered around becoming familiar with her new surroundings.She didn't jump when the toilet flushed.And she learned what to do in case of emergencies.
When the plane finally landed at Ben Gurion Airport, she was ready to roll and see the sights.
IDF soldiers were everywhere, and they didn't mind posing for pictures.Old buildings were everywhere, too, and lots and lots of rocks.
Pomegrantes were ripe, and they reminded Motch of Tadpole. She picked one of these, but it wasn't as soft as Tad. She said fresh figs were some of her favorite things to eat.
And in the Old City of Jerusalem, guess what she saw? A hostel named Petra! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Leah was wearing me out. She kept me so busy that I didn't miss Motch or PA for a minute!


Mack said...

Leah did a great job taking care of you!

We missed you and glad Motch and PA are back home safe and sound. Looks like they had a wonderful vacation!

Anonymous said...

well that hostel was *obviously* where you were meant to stay... next time you need to tag along. i mean, it has your NAME on it!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We are glad your folks are home. Another couple of days and you'd have been lost in the underbrush forever! We love seeing the trip pictures also.
Sunny&Scooter(Tanner's twin)

Peanut said...

Oh we are glad they are home now. Though Leah did an amazing job taking care of you. Those are wonderful pictures Motch took.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Petra!

Leah is doing a great job taking care of you! But I'm sure you're very glad too that your Mom is back...=) The photos of Jersalem look awesome! And it's so cool that there's a hostel named after you! Can't wait to see more of them...hope you had a great weekend!


Duke said...

What great pictures!
Mitch is drooling looking at the fruit ones!
We can barely see you in that long grass, Petra! We're so glad Motch and Pa are home!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh hostel Petra. I hope they are paying you copyrights for using your name. What an interesting place Motch and PA are in

~ Girl girl

Stanislaw said...

What an exciting vacation! I hope they marked that magical land of fruit and rocks so that it belongs to your family now. Do you think humans do that when we're not around to do it for them?

Ruby Bleu said...

Um, so Petra, um, I don't know how to delicately ask this, but Motch didn't actually eat Fig, right?

I'm sure happy they are home safe and sound and I can't wait to see all the pictures!!! I really missed you little P!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Moco said...

How is it that you, Fig and Tadpole have things in Israel named after you. You are one happening group. We want to see more pictures of the trip.
Lucky the boy got the yard mowed before the return or you would have been let loose in his room to chew what ever he holds dear.
That Leah is one way out chick.

Joe Stains said...

I'd love to hear about what they did in Israel! I knew Leah would take good care of you but the boy sure was a slacker!