Monday, September 15, 2008

what i've been up to...

PS: I want to remind everyone that Motch is out of the country, so I'm not really visiting other dogs' blogs. Sorry! My current guardian is refusing to cooperate. But I guess that's fine, as long as she keeps giving me plenty of treats and bones and lets me sleep on her lap as much as possible. Rest assured, in a week and half I'll be back to doing my rounds!


Peanut said...

lots of treats and bones are worth not visiting sometimes.

Ruby Bleu said...

Don't worry Little P - we still love you and know that Leah is very busy. BTW - I'm saving this pick and you never know when you might pop up as a Sleepy Sunday guest star!!!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We will miss you sweet Petra Pie. But we will wait, and if you aren't bing starved or mistreated, then ok.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Don't worry! We understand.
As long as you get all her attention... and the treats and bones!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

joey said because it is MY birthday I can do the comments today!


Sorry you can't visit bloggies but EAT 3908509485 TREATS FOR ME!!!!!!


MJ's doghouse said...

as long as your promise to be back in less than two look very very relaxed

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Have a good rest Petra. I can't wait for you to come back

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said...

No worries Petra. We hope Motch is having a good time.


Stanislaw said...

Aw. Your face looks all squenchy, as my mom would say.

Bobo the Boston Terrier said...

Petra, you are so cute!

Asta said...

you will be even mowe bootiful( if that's at all possible) wif all the booty west you'we getting.
love you
smoochie kisses

Hugo said...

Hey rest well and I can't wait till your next post!


Duke said...

It looks like you're catching up on your much needed rest, Petra! Pleasant dreams!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

Lovely Leah is very busy with all that she has on her plate. You are lucky that she was able to come and stay with you and give you treats and belly rubs. Take a few extra naps so that when Motch and PA get back you will be full of the devil for them.

Asta said...

Little Petra
When you wake up, I have an awawd fow you
smoochie kisses

Poppy said...

Wow, that sure does look like a comfy napping spot you've got there!


Anonymous said...

You should go snuggle up with Leah!

Lady Kaos said...

As long as you're getting lots of treats and bones, we're okay with you not being able to visit. Looks like you're having a good time!

Eduardo said...

Sleep well! Enjoy those treats & I can't wait for Motch to get back!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle