Wednesday, December 17, 2008

one for me?

I'm keeping my eye on the tree.
And to be more specific, what's under the tree. This gift has Leah's name on it.
From what I can tell, none of these say "Petra".
Is it time to start worrying?


Eduardo said...

I know theres one for you! keep looking!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Ruby Bleu said...

I'm sure there's've been a good girl!!! Santa wouldn't skip your no no he wouldn't!

Lots of licks, Ruby

Asta said...

I wouldn't wowwy at all ..I'm suwe you'll get mowe than anyone..just like wif Chwissmuss cawds, hehehe
smoochie kisses

Lady Kaos said...

Don't worry Petra. I never have any gifts under the tree until Christmas morning. Something about me knowing which ones are my gifts and getting into them and not trusting me and a bunch of other stupid excuses. I'm sure you'll get something Christmas so don't worry.

Duke said...

If your mom is anything like ours, she has ALL of your pressies hidden upstairs so you can't open them ahead of time, Petra! *wink wink*

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Aggie said...


Don't worry, when I went to see Santa Paws, I told him to stop by your house and bring you something special.

I know he will come.

Sloppy Licks,


Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Don't worry! I am sure you will find more than one present for you there! Just wait!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

I think its time to start kissing up!

Stella said...

Aw, Petra P. Pie!

Don't you worry, fren! I'm thinking your mama is planning on surprisin' you, and I bet she doesn't want to tempt you to handle more than you could bear (you can tell me ~ you'd be trying to peek if your prezzies were under the tree).

The other thing I was thinking is that Tad might try to eat them if they were out on display.

Can't wait to see what Santa Paws brings you, girl!

Goobery love & no worries,
Stella Bean

Peanut said...

None for you? That isn't right. Where are your presents?

Mack said...

I bet you Motch has your present hidden!!

FleasGang said...

I'm positive there has to be one under the tree with your name on it, Petra! You've been such a good girl all year long (well, mostly anyway) so Santa has to bring you a gift. Hang in there


Murphy Dogg said...

After what you did to that stocking, no wonder your presents are hidden away somewhere for safe-keeping!
Murphy Dogg