Friday, December 12, 2008

simply have a wonderful christmas time

Are you guys like me? Does music help put you in the right frame of mind for Christmas? Ding dong ding dong...ding dong ding dong...

The mood is right. The spirits up. We're here tonight. And that's enough.
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

hay,hay petrapotpie!! u r hafink funz!!!! iz that the card stockin or an advent stockin?? eever way, i am happee u r hafink sooo much funz!!

Lady Kaos said...

Uh oh! Now wher is Santa going to put your treats?

Joe Stains said...

oh boy, doesn't this sort of get you on the naughty list? You better watch out...

Moco said...

That is your Christmas sock. It is the one Santa puts all the goodies inside. Don't chew it up. Or, does it belong to someone else and it doesn't matter if they get anything or not?

Peanut said...

Oh man music is good. Nice christmas sock.

leah said...

I can't believe you ALREADY got a Christmas stocking to destroy!

Kelli said...

Hi Petra!
It certainly looks like your having a wonderful Christmas time! I can't believe you got a stocking already!

Mack said...

Did you already open a gift Petra Pot Precious?

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey we can't get to our stocking. How come you've already got yours?? Lucky Petra!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
I can see you are having a "Christmas Time" with that stocking!
But, where is Santa going to put your treats??
Kisses and hugs

Aki and Poopie said...

golly gee Petra! i do hope that stocking is yours.. hehehe..

what was in it? we are hoping you found a lot of treats.

drooly kisses,


Stanley said...

Petra Girl!

I LIKE the way you celebrate, girlie! Nothing says "I love Christmas" like a little festive destrution!

Goober love & smooches,

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey ... how'd you get to dig through your stocking early?? My Mama keeps shooing me away from mine and says I can't get into it until Christmas!
Murphy Dogg

Bisket said...

Hi, I'm a Boston Terrier too! I read your blog.

Biggie Smalls once said, "Tell your friends to get with my friends and we'll be friends." Unfortunately, we don't have any friends in common, so let's just be friends without all the hassle.

My blog:

Love and many woofs,

Anonymous said...

Petra, ask Mom to send me Fig & Tad's address, so I can send them a card please.
Happy, Happy Christmas
Love, hugs, bellyrubs & smoochies

pee ess Go visit Charlie the Puggle from Florida he is soooo cute, hee, hee, his address is on my blog

Anonymous said...

Oooh ! We love Christmas songs... the radio has a station totally dedicated to them. Car rides are so much more enjoyable now!

MJ's doghouse said...

oh oh...someone better watch out...

Bae Bae said...

What a pawsome xmas you're having. ;)

~ Bae

Duke said...

Oh no! Where is Santa going to put all of your loot, Petra?!

Love ya lot,
Maggie and Mitch