Wednesday, May 13, 2009

wordless wednesday


Beckett said...

Ooooooooh, a buffet!


Moco said...

OMD, those are bigger than you. Your poor belly will look like mine if you eat those.

Ruby Bleu said...

How did you contain yourself?!?!?!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

Did you get the big bag? If so can you share?

Duke said...

Holy Moley! Look how big they are! How many did you get to go home with, Petra?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lady Kaos said...

I've got lots of words for your post!! Most of them include YUM!!!!!!!!

Lorenza said...

Happy Yummy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

How many pig ears followed you home today Petra? I'll follow you home too to sample the pig ears, hehe!

Mack said...

Did you pick yourself a good one?!!!??

Asta said...

I can almost smell the delectable goodies
hope you got a good one
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

oooh that is the smell of heaven right there Petra!!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Petra! Sorry for not visiting sooner! OMG...what's that I see you sniffing? It looks YUMMYLICIOUS! I hope you got to take back some of those yummy treats...*grins*


Zeus said...

Oh my goodness, Petra! You are one lucky doggie. I wonder how long one of those huge pieces last you...

Stanley said...

Sweet Petroober Girl!

I LOVE this photo of you (actually, any photo of you makes me, Stella & my girl smile really big)! I'm catching up on your last several posts, and would appreciate it if you give Motch & Pa a couple of gigantically juicy goober smooches from us for their birthdays!

Also, we want to see more video footage of you playing with bugs. That was STINKIN' hilAireous! I could watch that all day, and it cracked my girl up so much she couldn't breathe!

Just so you know, you have one of the cutest little Boston girl faces I have ever seen, and your ears, when they stand at attention, just makes you look as intelligent as you are!

Goober love & smooches,

Patrick and Jackson said...

We see this sometimes in our dreams!

Life With Dogs said...

Pure temptation, I love it!