Thursday, June 11, 2009

scruffy dog collar

Whoopeeeeee! A package came in the mail for ME, Miss Petra Pot Pie! Tibby and her mom are making collars, so I decided I needed a couple. It took awhile to figure out the fabric I wanted because there are so many to choose from, but I knew for sure that I wanted a pink clasp.
I really wanted to play with the collars because they are one of my favorite chew toys, but this little tuggie game didn't last long.
While PA adjusted the length, I did a little dance and tried to help.
And then I held still and was very quiet while he put it on. That was hard work, but I did a good job and got a treat afterwards.
What do you think? How do I look in this collar?
And this one? They are pretty snazzy, aren't they? Check out Tibby's collars yourselves; you'll be glad you did!


Jen and Suki said...

Omd Petra, those collars are SUPER CUTE! If only I could wear collars (they are less than flattering and give me bazillions of neck rolls). I think you did a super job picking those two out. Pretty pretty Petra.

Peanut said...

Those collars are very pretty just like you.

Asta said...

It's impossible to decide which one I like look bootiful in bof. How cool to have pink snaps.
Tibby is vewy clevew
smoochie kisses

Mack said...

Those collars are pawmazing!!

And are you sticking your tongue out at PA pot pie in the 4th pic??!

Kelli said...

Hi Petra!
I am so happy that your collars arrived! They look wonderful on you! Thanks so much for supporting our new venture! I hope you enjoy your new collars!
:) Tibby
PS: We added your pictures to the Stars page!

Joe Stains said...

We like BOTH of them but that bright pink really pops on you!! We will check out the collars!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Your new collars are pawesome!
You look beautiful! You chose very nice colors!
Kisses and hugs

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

You look sooooo beautiful Petra! We wish we could wear normal collars... but alas.... our necks are SUPER fat.

MJ's doghouse said...

well arent you as pretty as a pot are a fashion goddess Petra...maybe i should check out the collars...i have been wearing the same one for four years...

Duke said...

What gorgeous collars and they look awesome on you, Petra! I just love the pink clasp!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch