First of all, I'd like to complain about my bug bite. I still can't wear my new collar from Stella because it touches my bite and makes me scratch my neck.

Can you see it right by my beautiful swirly colic? Motch was thinking of taking me to the v-e-t today to make sure it's nothing more than a bug bite because she's leaving on Wednesday and doesn't want Leah to worry about this while she's gone, but she's not sure if I need to go. What do you think?

Next item of concern is my Cubbies. I actually agreed to wear this jersey for about 15 minutes as a good luck charm to help them win yesterday.

But alas! It didn't help as Woody gave it away in the 9th. However, if they had won because I was wearing this jersey, I might be in trouble because I hate clothes and I might be forced to wear this during every future Cubs game. ..RIGHT INTO THE PLAYOFFS!

The best news is that Leah is coming on Wednesday and is staying for 2 weeks while Motch and PA fly across the ocean to a little tiny land known as Israel. While they're riding camels like
MJ's dad, I'll be helping Leah write her thesis and grade papers and drink lattes.

She can listen to me snore and whine and chirp for two glorious weeks! Wooooo!
Finally, I'd like to thank
Nottie Scottie for this award. Maybe it will keep pressure on Leah to blog for me every now and then while Motch is gone. And because she is so precious to me, I'm passing on this award to my sister
Good choice for a babysitter and award getter.
Tell Motch and PA to be careful. That is not a good part of the world in, but then again some US cities are just as bad.
The Cubbies will be fine. We have complete faith in their ability to go all the way.
Start the chirp now to keep in practice.
I don't know what to say about your bite. Surely it isn't anything serious? Congratulations on your award and I can hardly wait for your adventures starting Weds. Y'all had soo much fun last yr! Tell your parents to be very careful over there.
You know, Petra, your jersey might have been the good luck charm that made the Red Sox win and the Rays lose yesterday. I think you'd better keep wearing it, just in case. ;-) Besides, you look so very cute in it.
Motch and PA need to be careful but have lots and lots of fun. Oh Leah for two whole weeks. You won't have to worry about having fun Petra. That bug bite looks not nice and if it makes you itch I know it isn't nice.
Oh little P...your owie looks, well, owie :( Has anything else changed? Are you still eating...are you swollen anywhere? Or have a rash anywhere else? have you tried that benny drill guy? I'm sure it just bugs you (get it bugs - LOL)because of your collar so I don't think you need to go to the V.E.T. But Leah should definitely keep an eye on things.
That's a pretty excitering trip that Motch and P.A. have lined up...tell them to have fun, take LOTS of pictures, to be very very careful AND to bring you something cool back!!! How about a camel???
I sure hope Leah has a little time to help you blog...two weeks would be a very long time to be without you!
Lots of Licks and no scratching, Ruby
Your swirl is very cute. Try not to scratch your bite! :)
Sowwy youw team lost, but I guess it was lucky as afaw as the shiwt is concewned(although you do look awfully cute in it)
I hope youw pawents have a safe, fun twip..and I know you will have a gweat time wif Leah!
I wouldput ani B otic on youw bite..I hope it goes away soon
smoochie kisses
Sorry your team lost but on the upside you wont have to wear that jumper anymore lol.
I hope your itchy goes away soon.
Did you go to the vet?
Noah xx
Sorry your team lost the game...but you look very cute in that jersey! Leah sounds like loads of fun! I hope she will help you post more blog entries while your parents went on vacation! =)
Hope that bite thingy is okay now.
Hi, Petra!
Your bug bite looks ouchie! I hope it heals soon!
You look so cute with your Cubs jersey!
My mom was thinking about a Yankee lucky dress but.... I think is too late! HA!
I hope Motch and PA will have a great trip!
I am sure you are going to have a wonderful time with Leah too!
Congratulations on your Award!
Kisses and hugs
How exciting! Make sure to get Leah as much tasty coffee as possible so she has enough energy to play with you!
Watch out for that caffeine, girlie! Leah looks like one of those caffeine fiends, ya know?
But, you are gonna have a BLAST with your sissy. She gets you like noone else and it will be like a big slumber party + a thesis.
How long have you had your owie? If it's already been a couple of weeks, you might want to make sure it's not infected. That would be my main concern.
About those Cubs. Don't fear about wearing your jersey through the playoffs. My girl has been a fan all of her life & she said that THAT has never been a problem for Cubs fans.
Goober love,
ha! maybe we need to get you another jersey in a slightly larger size...
that picture makes the bite look a lot better than it actually is. i vote for the v.e.t. just in case. we don't want it getting worse when motch is away!
and i will try to post for you periodically.
Looks like you'll be in safe hands. You look cute in that jersey
~ Girl girl
You look so cute in that jersey, we are hoping the best for the Cubs too because the Yankees sure are suckin! We hope you have the best time ever with Leah!!
You and Leah are going to have the BEST time together, Petra!
Congratulations on your award!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That looks like a vampire bite to us. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately or played outside in the bright sunlight?
If you haven't already, try just a dab of neosporin a couple times a day. It is safe for dogs and since it's on your neck, you won't be able to lick it off yourself when the urge is too great. :-)
Hope your mom and dad have fun on their vacation and take lots of pictures - hint, hint.
The Fleas
P.S. Our pop says "Go METS!"
So sorry about your mean old buggie bite. I try to bite them before they bite me. Except one time when I wasn't fast enough and one bit me on my...ahem...well anyway let me just say it wasn't fun. Has your mom tried Benadryl? (My mom calls it Benadrookie - she's so weird).
That helped me....
Stay sweet and enjoy Leah's company!!
I'm glad the shirt didn't work. That would have been horrible!
Have fun with Leah! Are you going ot get to post like you did last time you were on vacation with her? I hope so!!
Tell Motch and Pa to have fun and be careful!
Hey Petra,
I love you blog too! Do blog as often as you can as it brightens up my day! Hope your bite clears up soon! Do visit my bloggie if you are free!1 Hee...
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