Yes, Hannah had a birthday yesterday and she got a turtle, but not a real one. Fig, Tad and I took a vote and said this was the only kind of turtle we would tolerate around here.

Unfortunately, we didn't even get one itsy bitsy tiny crumb.
PA, Motch, Hannah and Leah went out to eat with Grammy and Grandpa and left the three of us home alone for a few hours ~~ and the best part was that I WASN'T CRATED! That was a first because usually Fig and Tad are left to roam while I'm stuck in the crate when we're left unattended. Hannah wondered which one of us would be bleeding when they got back, but the only public display of violence is a big scratch I have under my chin. I can't tell you what happened because I might get shoved back in the crate the next time they leave us.
I know you've seen this video before, but I thought it was worth repeating because it shows how the three of us play together. Fig is always the boss and interrupts our fun when she gets fed up with it.
Anyway, I think Hannah had a happy birthday, and I know we sure had fun!