I'm just a little grumpy today. Motch took the day off work and she was supposed to devote the day to meeting my every desire, but she took a benedryl when she got up because her ears are clogged and she's trying everything she can think of to get them to open.

Things were fine until 10 AM, and then she looked like she got hit by a truck. I don't know if the pills opened her ears but they sure shut her eyes, and I was very bored today.
The Puppies tagged me to play the name game, and I made Motch get right on it. I had some great answers which I think she mis-typed due to her sluggish state of mind. But here goes.
What is your name? Petra. Just plain Petra. I get called different names, though, and the most common ones are Aunt Pittypat (by Hannah and Leah), Petra Pot Pie, and Sweet P.
If you could change your name, what would it be? Jellybean
What is your pet's name? Well, if a pet is someone that you like alot, like "teacher's pet", then that would be Fig and Tad.
If you could change your pet's name, what would it be? Tad would be Stringbean and Fig would be Popeye.
What are your brothers and sister's names? Hannah, Leah and Josiah.
If you could change their names, what would they be? Hannah would be Marshwiggle, Leah would be Reepicheep and Josiah would be Lou Pinella.
I'm tagging my new friend
Bobo (isn't that a great name?). He just started blogging, and I'll bet he will have some great answers.