Hi everybody! Sorry I haven't updated, but Leah was here with me this week. Motch will get back soon and should be back to blogging for me by Monday. We have good news though - Grammy's back surgery went "perfect" according to the surgeon! She is now rehab'ing in a nursing home, where she's been since Monday. And guess who went to visit her today?

At first I wasn't sure about the place. I wouldn't walk in all by myself and had to be carried because it was kinda scary.

I was so happy to see Grammy! I haven't gotten to see her for a while now.

She gave me treats,

I gave her kisses,

we posed for the camera,

and we cuddled...

Then I got to go back with Grammy when she did some of her therapy! Here I am with her in the therapy room, giving her some much-needed support and distraction and cuteness...

She gets little electric shocks into her back, so I'm glad I was there to help her with that.

I also walked down the halls with her. She's making excellent progress and walked farther today than she ever has before! But all that hard work gets really tiring....

I needed a break. One of my favorite things about visiting Grammy there is that there is a trail that runs right by the building! It's perfect for mini-walks when I need a little potty break.

There are lots of bikers on the trail though, unlike my golf course trail I usually walk on. They were pretty scary so I kept to the areas where I could check my pee-mail.

I wanted to keep walking but we had to obey the sign so we stopped and turned around and went back and resumed our visit.

I made tons of new friends - especially people who had Bostons at one time. One of them even took pictures of me and wanted to make sure I came to see her again before she leaves next Saturday!
Thanks everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. Grammy is doing incredibly well and we're all so proud of her!

And I almost forgot - Happy 4th of July! Hope everyone has a great weekend!