Last night my niece and nephew came to see me and when I asked if they wanted to play, Fig said yes and Tad walked away.

Fig is bigger and stronger than me, but she's smart and knows how to play even.

Sometimes she just stands and braces herself and I twist back and forth with the rag in my mouth. Other times she shakes her head and sends me flying!

This niece of mine makes me feel good all over, and I love her alot.
It looks like your having so much fun! I'm catching up on your post & I'm very sorry to hear about your Grandpa! I'll be snuggling for him Petra Pot Pie!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
it's so cute how well you two play together. mojo is almost 10 pounds bigger than me and we have to come up with creative ways to play too!
You are so lucky to have Fig. i rarely can get these goofball brothers of mine to play. I have better luck with the cats.
You and Fig are so cute playing together!!
You and Fig look like you're having the best time together, Petra! Too bad Tad doesn't want to join in!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Petra yoo sure is kyoot!
I wud love to play wif more of my kind, but only get to do so when dad and mom take me to meet my RI BT buddies! Yoo look likes yoo has so much fun wif yer niece.
::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::
I is Jake!!
Hi, Petra!
Sure is nice to have a good time with Fig! Looks like you two had lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs
Fig is a great gal, you are lucky to have her. And I am lucky to have you as friends to see your cute pics!
Hey, Petra Pup!
That Fig loves you right back! You can tell by the way she plays with you.
That last photo of you and Fig in the clinch is stinkin' cute. You look a little devious. Are you plotting your next move?
Goober love & smooches,
Fig sure is a pawsome playmate
~ Bae
You two look like you're having so much fun! Kenji and I like to play tug too...he almost always wins though, fooling me when I least expect it and loosen my grip. =) Hope you have a great week!
Awww you two are so sweet. Wonder why Tad walked off...
Figgy is a great niece, isn't she?
I know you are her fave auntie too!
Who won? :)
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