I'm really not a picky eater, it's just that I don't like my kibbles. Sam's Yams and treats and carrots and peanut butter make me happy.

When Fig and Tad come over, I immediately eat the food in my dish because if I don't, they will. Occasionally my dish is moved to the living room because a change in scenery sometimes helps improve my appetite.

Yesterday I had a picnic on my deck, just to see if the food tasted better outside.
And it didn't. Eating outside calls for wallymellon and frosty paws, certainly not kibbles! Yuck.
Oh Petra...
i know you want to keep that girlish figure of yours, but you have to eat sweet girl!!! Maybe a new designer bowl or treat ball would help??? Or maybe Motch and PA need to feed you by hand...that seems to be working!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
why would she eat it out of a bowl when you guys hand-feed it to her?!
Petra, I feel the same way, except I won't even eat it out of mom's hand. I'll eat eventually but mom gets worried because eventually means ever-other day or so. When I'm around the big doggins I SCARF up all my food so they can't get it!
That food is looking pretty good!
I like the way you make them hand feed you though!!
Petra would you eat it if you had yogurt on it or something? Maybe Motch should try that give you a bit of yogurt with your food everyday.
We agree with Peanut! I starting to refuse my kibble when I was around 2 years old and mom started to put a dollop of yogurt on the top of it and she told me that it was ice cream! I always ate my food from that day forward! Maybe it could work for you too, Petra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Kibbles make me 'splode! Even if I get just a few as obedience treats. I'm not allowed to eat them because my people say there aren't enough paper towels in the world to clean that up. Ha!
Hi, Petra!
Yes, maybe some yogurt will make your kibble tastier!
Or... maybe what you want is to be hand-feeded!! I saw you!
Kisses and hugs
you gotta sprinkle some love on there, yogurt, pumpkin, squash, etc. Then I bet you love it!
I'm so sowwy that eating al fwesco didn't impwove the taste of youw kibble..I put punkin on my kibble and it tastes so much bettew
smoochie kisses
Hi Petra!
I think kibble is boring too! My vet just told my owners that I am a little too chubby (SO RUDE!) so I haven't gotten hardly any treats or table scraps!
:) Tibby
the thing is miss petra that classy dames like you and me...prefer to be spoon fed...or hand fed...what do they think we are for goodness sakes...dogs..gees...my mom feeds me my wet food with a spoon...and i will eat kibble if they hand feed me...or like you ...when someone is visiting...but on my own it is just boring...
Like duh! Don't Motch and PA know they are suppose to hand feed you. They need to get with the program.
I think your kibbles taste better when hand-fed. ;)
~ Bae
Sasha does the same thing. It drives Mom nuts. Mom will add stuff to our kibble once in awhile to encourage Sasha to eat. Sometimes it's cheese or gravy or an egg or some lunch meat or some yogurt. Mom says the gravy and yogurt work th ebst because they soak into the kibble and Sasha thinks it's something new but we don't always have gravy and yogurt in the fridge so it's usually cheese.
Oh don't worry Petra.. I guess it's a toy dog thing. Poopie is also a very very picky eater as well. She would oftentimes eat only once in a day, and when she does, she eats as if she wants to finish off my entire bowl. She doesn't want to eat alone as well so the hoomans made us share the same food bowl. I have a hunch you girls do this intentionally to maintain your sleek figures. Poopie says a lighter dog will have more access to the hooman's lap than an obese one..
in any case, I'm just glad you have Tad and Fig to "motivate" you.. :)
happy weekend PPP!
drooly kisses,
Please don't pass up the food, Petra! Eat, eat, eat! Maybe some homestyle spaghetti and meatballs will delight your fancy. I could have my human pet whip you up some if you would like! ;)
How do you survive if you don't eat your kibbles? We love our kibbles! We get 4 1/4 scoops a day, but sometimes (most times) we want more!
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