Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21

Hey! Are you guys as excited as me?
Presents are piling up under the tree, and I'm trying to figure out which ones are for me.
Team effort is required to read the tags, so Fig and Tad keep watch while I scope out what's way in the back.
What does this say? Better be good, better watch out, better be nice cause Santa is coming to town?
Yikes! I'm heading to the manger to take a nap and praying for a silent night. I can't blow it when Christmas is just 4 days away.


Lorenza said...

Don't worry, Petra!
I know Santa is going to bring you lots of presents!
That Team Effort sure is the best!
Kisses and hugs

Sketching with Dogs said...

You are such a little cutie pie Petra. Hope you all get tons of presents and please ask your humans to give all your dogs a Christmas kiss from our mum, she loves you all!
Wags and kisses, Dinah Bridget and Elliot xx

Duke said...

Santa is definitely smiling on you, Petra! All of those packages under the tree and you're not peeking! Good girl!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

I just know Santa Paws is gonna really be generous with you Petra Pie! You are too sweet for him not too!

Emily and Ike said...

I'm willing to bet all of those are for you!

Moco said...

At least you have presents under your tree. Our tree hasn't changed since put up.

Joe Stains said...

oh boy, I hope Santa Paws didn't see that!!! Just a couple of more days to go!!