Friday, January 18, 2008

my award

Look what I got! It's my very first award and it says "You Make My Day!" My friend Suki Sumo gave it to me, and it made me very happy. And then guess what? I GOT THE AWARD AGAIN! This time it was from my good friend Ruby. So how about that? The same award 2 times on the very 1st time I got an award! And now I pass the award on to Lady Kaos and Moco. Here is Fig, promising that my surgery tomorrow won't slow me down a bit. She is quite the comforter in times of stress and I love her alot because, afterall, she is my niece and my mentor all rolled into one big 25 pound boston!


Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Petra...
Congrats...oh and I gave you an award too!! Woot!

You are one lucky girl to have Figgy as your niece!!! Lucky I say!

I'm thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lady Kaos said...

Thanks for the award Petra!!! Good luck with your surgery.
Mom and I are coming up with some cute ideas for the flyers. We'll hopefully have them soon!

Lady Kaos said...

We have a flyer ready on my blog!

Ferndoggle said...

Good luck tomorrow're gonna be good as new in no time. Minus some girly parts.


Duke said...

Congratulations on your award!
We'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

we will be thinking of you tomorrow. I am glad you have Fig to comfort you in times of stress but tell her she needs to blog again.

Jen and Suki said...

Good luck with your spay surgery tomorrow! I know you will do so well and you'll be back to your BT pup ways in no time. Just ask my mom how naughty I was when I got home! It didn't slow me down one bit, and I think we might be similar like that. :)

Moco said...

Moco says: Thanks so much for the award Petra. I am not sure how to put it on my blog, but I am sure Peanut will help me. Good luck on your surgery. I had it many years ago and am still going strong. I will be crossing my paws for you.

Joe Stains said...

good luck good luck good luck!!!!!

Mack said...

I'm sure you'll do just fine with your surgery tomorrow.
So don't worry your pretty little head over that at all!!
Wow-I'm impressed! Fig is 25 pounds? She must be living right!

Poppy said...

Don't worry about your surgery, Petra. I had that surgery too, and it only hurts for a couple of days afterwards. Just be sure to get lots of rest and don't wiggle too much. You'll be fine! And, because everybody will feel sorry for you, you'll probably get wet foods too!!!


Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We heard you had some complications with your surgery! We are thinking good thoughts for you and saying prayers. Hope you are in tail wagging shape in no time!
Lots of sloppy healing licks!
Ozzie & Rocky

Frasier said...

Let us now how your surgery goes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Petra

My name is Opal, I hope you are feeling better from your surgery, I don't ever have to have my girly parts removed, cause I don't have any hee,hee

Please get well soon Nanny loves your blog

Jessica said...

Hi Petra... Did you have your surgery yet? How are you doing?

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Lady Kaos said...

Petra! I just read Fig's blog! How are you? What happened? Let us know soon!!
Hope you're doing okay!