Thursday, July 24, 2008

unhappiness abounds

Yeah, well, I was feeling just a little irritated today, and I believe you would, too, if you were me.Yes, I was having a down-in-the-dumps, upside-down-smile kind of day so that's why this award from The Puppies meant so much to me.Thanks, guys! I was feeling out of sorts because Motch goes to work each day at a university. That's not problem, that's okay.
This is the building where she works. Every morning I jump on the chair in my bedroom, look out the window and watch her leave; I am such a faithful and loyal pup.
She sits at this desk and helps students with things like making changes to their class schedules. Again, fine with me. It's nice to help students solve their problems.
This is what troubles me. Behind her desk is this group of pictures. Do you notice something missing? Something important? SomeONE important? Someone named Petra Pot Pie who is a Pretty Photogenic Pup? I do believe I see only one picture of me...and how many are there of Fig and Tad? Huh?
I'm just not happy about this.


Anonymous said...

I bet there will be tons of piktors of your by Monday.


Mack said...

Baby P:
It's only cause you are the baby of the family and she just hasn't known you as long as the others.

I wouldn't feel too bad - One day I know your picture will outnumber anybody else's.

Friday Sugars,

Eduardo said...

Awww Petra:( I would be upset to, nut Mack is right; my mommy had lots of pictures of her other dog name PePe' Le Pu,(he is gone now) when she got me she put the other pics away & started to take pics of me! Now there everywhere and I'm not even a year old yet think how many there will be when I'm 10! Your Mommy will have many pictures of you all over there soon! Just keep giving that sweet little face, who could resist that?
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Ruby Bleu said...

I'm with ya Little P...I say you dogcott or something!!!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Sara said...

We're rats, we know people.... :)
Thanks for visiting us!!

Peanut said...

Motch needs to be bitten in the bottom.

Lady Kaos said...

WHAT?! You've got to be kidding! You need to start printing a bunch of pictures of you while she's a work and then the next day she won't have any excuse not to hang them up at work. There should be more of you hanging up there than anybody!

Duke said...

You're absolutely right, Petra! Motch needs to add at least 7 more pictures to the grouping - all of YOU!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
I would not be happy either! But, take Kaos advice. Print your best pictures while Motch is at work. When she comes home from work, slip them into her bag, so next day she will put them right there where they MUST be!
I hope it works!
Kisses and hugs

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You are such a good helper...
Baby Callie is home.. We are all so happy and she is too. She couldn't quit smiling..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Baby Callie

Asta said...

Tuwn that smile of youws on..I bet next week thewe will be mowe pictoowes of Petra Pot Pie the Pwetty Photogenic Pup than of anyone else..if not..come move in wif me..I would have youw pictoowes evewywhewe
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

Talk about a TERRIBLE injustice, sheesh! Time to shred something or make a stain...

Jen and Suki said...

Petra if I were you I would chew some shoes or destroy another pillow to get back at her and make her understand how upset you are.

Noah the Airedale said...

I have a funny feeling there's going to be more Petra pics very soon.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

Moco said...

Motch is probably getting the biggest and best picture of you to put up in her office. Sometimes they aren't very quick about doing things anymore. In the mean time rip something up.