Wednesday, July 23, 2008

happiness abounds

This, you see, is my chair and my pillow, the place I go when my family leaves. From this chair, I can look out the window and watch them drive away in their car after they bid me a fond farewell, saying things like "See ya later, Petty Pie! Be a good girl!"
The pillow is soft and cushy and comfy, a perfect place to rest.
So what possessed me to rip it from the chair, throw it around the room and destuff it? That's what Motch wanted to know.
BECAUSE I COULD! That's why!
I had to work hard to stick my head inside of that thing to pull out the fluffy stuffy pieces.
How could anybody NOT smile at a job this well done?


Peanut said...

Sometimes pillows just need to be destuffed.

Beckett said...

Nice work, Petra. You should be proud! But be careful... after I unstuffed several conventional dog beds, my mom googled "chewproof dog beds" and now I have a cot-style Kuranda bed with no stuffing in it at all! It's really comfy, though.


Stanislaw said...

It was asking for it. I saw it. It was mocking you and you showed that Petra is queen and your status is indisputable. All the chairs and pillows are talking about it.

Stanislaw said...

It was asking for it. I saw it. It was mocking you and you showed that Petra is queen and your status is indisputable. All the chairs and pillows are talking about it.

Ruby Bleu said...

Little P...I'm so very very proud of you! I couldn't have done it any better myself!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Mack said...

Petra Peach Pie:
You give being a BT a good name! I am so proud of you! I can see you have truly mastered the art of destruction. From you I can learn.

Your student,

Lady Kaos said...

Wow, you did a great job destuffing that pillow. I think that pillow had too much stuffing in it anyway. i bet it's way more comfy now!!

Moco said...

You are a terror. That is what is expected of you. You have a job and you are doing it well.

Asta said...

I think the pillow was asking fow it..and you did a vewy pwofessionaljob! You canbe vewy pwoud
smoochie kisses

Thank you fow youw advice
wheeley smoochies

Asta said...

I think the pillow was asking fow it..and you did a vewy pwofessionaljob! You canbe vewy pwoud
smoochie kisses

Thank you fow youw advice
wheeley smoochies

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh you did a wonderful job. I think you and you are related somehow.. He is always emptying the trash can and shredding everything. Mom can't yell at him though he doesn't hear!! She waved her finger in front of him when she got home, which means no and he put his ears back. He knows what he did was NOT right...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

MJ's doghouse said...

wow..i dont usually use HBO words petra...but you did a DAMN good job on that pillow...good work little buddy..

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
You did a great job with that pillow!
Just a question... did you have to clean all that stuff after you finished destroying that pillow?
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

I can think of no better reason!! I am so happy for your happiness! I am sorry about what Mom's team is doing to your Cubs :(

The Puppies said...

We think you did a great job destuffing the pillow... that is one of our favorite things to do!!! WE thought you did such a good job that we left you a little gift on our blog, so come by when you can and check it out!
The Puppies

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a job well done Petra. Now the hoomans can get a new cushion. :)

~ Girl girl

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Petra,
Excellent job on the pillow! I do the same thing to our couch cushions when left alone. I thought it would keep Mama and Dad from leaving me, but it kinda backfired cause now when they leave I get jailed.
Murphy Dogg

Duke said...

Wow! You did do quite the job on that pillow, Petra! Can it be saved?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

The vet called back and Callie does get to come home tomorrow. We can hardly wait. Mom says no rough housing what ever that means..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Simba said...

stopping by to say hi...and good job on the pillow!!!

