Sunday, July 20, 2008


As you know, I've had a birthday, and I've been quietly reflecting on how my life has changed --- and has not changed --- since November 11 when I was adopted. This is something that remains the same: Sunday afternoon naps with my dad. His snoring has a way of lulling me to sleep. It always has and probably always will!

And here is something that has changed. At one time, Tad could jump on the bed to get away from me, and I was too short to follow him.

I'd have to wait until he decided to come down before we could play. But not anymore! Motch had mercy and found a great big step-stool-type-of-thing that helps me get on and off the bed. So in spite of my size, I can keep up with Tad now, and life is so much better!


Joe Stains said...

You really are getting to be a big girl. I think its almost time for you to find a boyfriend...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
I missed you yesterday!
Glad your mom got you that step-stool! Now you can go up and down as much as you want!
As you know... I am pretty short, so my mom made for me some of those steps and now I have one at every bed and couch in the house!
I loved those videos of you and Tag playing.
We use here the word "gacho" when we want to say mean. So... Tad was gacho being there up on the bed knowing that you could not jump!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

I could not imagine not being able to get on the bed. I am glad Motch got your a step stool thingie. If I was there I would let you use me to get up there.

Asta said...

I think it's awfully nice that some things stay the same..but boy , it looks like fun to finally give Tad a good chase, hehehe
smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure can zoom really fast Petra

~ Girl girl

MJ's doghouse said...

Hey Petra,
My mom has been very mean about sharing the computer lately so I missed your birthday completely...happy belated sure looks like you had a lotta fun with tad and fig. and those frosty paws look so yummy. you are sure a big girl now.

Asta said...

Iwasn't the centew of attention at all..the boyz just wanted my advice..they wanted to impwess snickers maily, cause it was hew Birfday..I'm sowwy if that pictoowe gives the wong impwession
smoochie kisses

Mack said...

I wonder if Joe was hinting at anything???

Anyway, those are such cute videos of you. I hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell over!

Duke said...

We loved the videos! It was great watching you chase Tad! You move like lightning, Petra!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Beckett said...

That sure looks like a comfy place to nap. Sometimes I try to nap on top of Mom and she always fusses about me "not being lap-sized," whatever that means.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yes you are pretty talented jumping up on that bed. Callie was getting really good at running up the stairs with that cast on. Thanks for your lovely comments.. We can't wait till she gets home.. The house is too quiet..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Tadpole said...

Oh how I wish I felt like playing with you now.... In a couple days I'll make my way over and give you a good chase.

As long as you don't bite my tail.

FleasGang said...

Love the photo of you and your Pop. Isn't that just the best?! All curled up and snoring away the day.

(Scarlett's snoring away on the floor next to me right now. Sometimes it so loud I can't hear myself think.)

The Fleas

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Oh, I can't wait to see you using your step stool to get on the bed.

Levi's mom

Moco said...

You and PA look like me and Pappy on a Sunday. Is baseball on the TV?

Eduardo said...

Petra I have an award for you!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Eduardo said...

Hee hee! You did pass it to me! How crazy is that! I had no idea! I didn't see it on your page so I wanted to give it to you! All I had to do was go down a tad bit on your page & Bingo!! Sorry Petra, How about you do the tag if you want, BOL! Oh now I'm gonna have a good day!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
P.S. My Dad won't snuggle with me:(
I had a red collar but sadly it's gone:( I used to have red toys but sadly I destroyed them:( and sadly I've never had wallymelon:(

Balboa said...

OMD, you are so flippin cute. Happy Belated Barkday!!!!

I wish I was there to run around and play with you.

Frenchie Snorts

Aggie said...

It looks like you have a good time playing. Happy late Barkday!

Your BT Friend
