Take, for example, the remains of a geranium from last year. The twigs are fun to snatch and bring into the house, but when I'm being closely monitored, my plans are spoiled.
Take, for example, the remains of a geranium from last year. The twigs are fun to snatch and bring into the house, but when I'm being closely monitored, my plans are spoiled.
Petra Pot Pie Your The Cutest! I'm so happy spring is here!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
We have to be tied when we're outside too, Petra! Mom doesn't trust us not to run away!
Mitch loves to chew up sticks and spit them out! He thinks it's fun too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You're tall and slim Petra, just like a model but you're not a model 'cause you're dare to eat.
Next time you don't have to open the door, I'll volunteer to do that job for you lady!
I love the spring time, too. I also like to chase after birds in he back yard so I have to be supervised if I'm going to be out of the fence.
FREEDOM!!!! I would love to come and go like that...but Mom is afraid I might jump in the pool or something. I hate water, she should know that by now!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Eat more branches! Maybe the extra fiber will make your poo more firm!
I do agwee bwanches have so many uses and snacking on them is tewwific..specially when you do it wif such a cutie face as you
smoochie kisses
I used to LOVE to chew on sticks when I was a pup, so much fun! If you want to see pics and more videos of the Cubs game, click this link, it goes to Mom's flickr set for all the spring training games they went to.
The Cubs KILLED the A's!
I love sticks! I get all crazy about sticks and have a case of the zoomies when I get a hold of one!
Tell Motch and PA to get busy and build you a fence and get you one of those dog doors like we have. You can go in and out when ever you want that way. We even go out in the middle of the night.
Yummy nothing like a yummy snacky stick....my goodness...mom hates when i bring them in as well...
Hi, Petra!
I have never had a branch to chew. And looking at you chewing yours make me want one!
In my next walkie I am going to look for one!
Kisses and hugs
We are dog hopping in here :)
Cute pictures!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Branches sounds yummy. I think I gotta try one
~ Bae
Hi Petra!
I'm glad that the weather is getting nicer! I love being able to go potty without my toes freezing! I get to go out without a leash at my house! I am a very good girl and listen when I am supposed to come inside!
:) Tibby
What cute videos. Mom is oohing and awwing over here.
Remember last year when you broke free from your leash?? That was awesome!
i can see your deep affection for them twigs petrapie... be carefult not to get a splinter, okay? theyre nasty.
drooly kisses,
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