Tuesday, March 31, 2009

moneky business

Joey and Tanner's dad's first pet was a dog named Fairbanks and he was such a good pet that their dad loved dogs ever since. Guess what Motch's first pet was?
He was a squirrel monkey named Tony! That's Motch holding him, sitting with my grandpa and my aunt. Motch is making that scrunchy face because he was a WILD monkey and didn't like to cuddle or sit and he never behaved.
I'm glad he wasn't a good pet; otherwise, she might have stuck to monkeys and never moved on to dogs like me. Just look how cuddly I am and how I make her smile!


Ruby Bleu said...

Look who is making a scrunchy face now - BOL! I'm glad Motch turned to pups too!!! W00t!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Mack said...

P3, you would make anybody smile!!

And yes I am sooo glad Motch chose you over a monkey!

Eduardo said...

Awwww! I'm glad too! Thats a great picture of you & Motch!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Jen and Suki said...

a MONKEY! That is an interesting pet! My mom is scared of monkeys but I've never met one. My new baby cousin kind of looks like a teeny tiny monkey! Heeehee.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Yes, monkeys are not very nice!
And you are ADORABLE!
I like your picture with Motch!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

Motch was very wise to move on from that goofy monkey. We are so glad that you two found each other or we would never have gotten to know you.

MJ's doghouse said...

wow so you coulda been a monkey...i am glad you are just a terrorist...so cute to ...we all just love you petra pie...and we would still love you if you were a spider monkey

Aki and Poopie said...

oh petra.. i'd still choose you even if i were given a dozen monkey's for free.. hehehe.. and i am not only saying that because i'm a dog.

and oh! do tell MOtch that she looks really pretty! now we know where you take after... :D

drooly kisses,


Duke said...

You're cuter than any monkey could ever be, Petra!
What a lovely picture of Motch!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh that monkey is stupid. I'm glad Motch figured it out

Anonymous said...

Nanny had a squirell monkey to when she was younger, his name was George and he walked on a leash and wore diapers. Motch and Nanny sure have a lot in common.

Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Joe Stains said...

omdog a MONKEY!! really?! that is pretty cool. Thank dog it was a bad monkey or we might never know you!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Aww...Motch looks so cute with Tony! And I love your photo with Motch as well!


P/S: I've got something for you at my blog...come and check it out! *grins*

Bae Bae said...

You sure are a pawsome pet Petra

~ Bae

Mack said...

Hi Petra Pot Pretty,
Yes, the only part of Lilly's story that is true was the cake (And Paris getting a big butt)

Lilly can really spin some yarns when she wants to!!!!!


Stella said...

If ONLY Motch had stuck her tongue out a little you would have been twins! That Motch is totally diggin' YOU, that's for sure! Viva la Petra!!

Goobery love & kissies,
Stella Bean

Life With Dogs said...

You're way cuter than any monkey! : )

Jenny said...

Join the fun- Tell me about your dog!

Visit- http://www.poochieheaven.com/articleseries.php?article_id=24 for details.

Jenny & Duke