Thursday, March 5, 2009

i miss him already

I have some sad news. My grandpa has been taken to the hospital and he's not coming home. He is very sick and by this time next week, he will probably have left us for the heavenly land. We pray that his passing will be peaceful, and while we will miss him with all of our hearts, we know he will be free from pain and suffering and that he will be much happier in just a little while.


Peanut said...

Petra I am so sorry. Let everyone know we will be thinking of them.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Petra,
Your sad face makes me cry. I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your grandpa, (((hugs))).
Grandpa knows that you love him and all of us DWB love him you, 'cause he is your precious Grandpa.
I wish him comfort and peace, love you all.

Tesla said...

Pongo, Buddy and I are sending lots of prayers for you and your Grandpa.


Jen and Suki said...

Petra, my family and I are so sorry to hear about this. We're thinking of you and yours during this difficult time.

<3 Suki & Mojo & the family

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Petra...Mom and I are so sorry to hear that. You must be strong for Motch and your Grandma. I know you are up for the task. Give the lots of snuggles and love and licks.

We love you all...
Lots of Licks, Ruby (and michele too)

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

We're so sorry to hear about this sad news...=( Be strong and give Motch and your Gramma extra hugs from us all okay? Take care.


FleasGang said...

Petra and family,

We are all really sad that your Grandpop is going to Heaven. But it sounds like he's ready to go. We'll put him and your family in our prayers this week.

lots of love
Jason, Judy and the Gang

The Brat Pack said...

We are very sorry to hear this sad news. We're sending love your way and bless your Grandpop.

The Brats (and Maryann)

Unknown said...

Petra, we're sending you big hugs and lots of prayers during this sad time. We pray that his journey is peaceful.

Petey and Mica (and Jane)

Lorenza said...

Petra, I am so sorry to hear your news.
We will be praying for him and all your family.
Take care

Anonymous said...

Petra and family, I'm very sorry to hear this news about your Grandpa...

I'll be thinking of all of you, and him...

Moco said...

We are so sorry to hear about Grandpa. We are hoping that his last days are peaceful, pain free and filled with the faces that he loves. We will continue to send him peaceful vibes from the circle.

Bae Bae said...

Oh dear.. I'm very sorry to hear about this news.
I'll keep my paws crossed for your grandpa to have peaceful and painfree crossing

~ Bae

BenTheRotti said...


I'm so sorry sweetie. We will keep your Grandpa in our thoughts and prayers. We wish him a peaceful and pain free journey to the heavenly land. Please give your pawents lots of love and nose rubs from me, we know how painful this is.
Sending you smooches Petra,

love and tailwags,

Ben xxxx

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh no Petra. We are so sorry to hear such sad news. We know how you are feeling. We lost our Grandpa who we called Nonno last year. It was quick too.
We have these special people in our memories forever.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Stanley said...

Sweet Petra!

I'm sorry to hear your grandpa is not doing well. Please give Motch a big goob smooch from me, and snuggle a little closer to her each night before you go to bed. We'll be thinking about your whole family, and especially for your grandpa.

Goob love,

Mack said...

Oh Petra,
We are so sorry to hear this. Mom and me and Lilly & Paris are all sending good thoughts and hugs your way. Mom is saying a special prayer for your sweet family.


nl1990 said...

Petra -

So sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Sending hugs and good thoughts to all of you.


Asta said...

I'm so sowwy fow you families pain..I hope youw Gwampa goes softly and painlessly ovew the bwidge.ouw love and pwayews awe wif him and you
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

We are so sorry to hear this news, Petra! We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

Oh Petra, we are so sorry to hear this :( We hope it is peaceful as well.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Dear, dear Petrapotpie, We are so sorry to read this. You and Motch know how we feel about these things, but it is so very hard. You been getting those salty bathes yet> Well, might as well get ready if you're not already. Momma says, email her anytime. Things remain a rollar coaster here too, and we don't always get to our mail as fast as we should.
Gid Bless you, your mom and dad, your fur and skin sissies and brother.And gramma.
We are holding you in our hearts and praying for grammpa to have a wonderful, peaceful trip HOME.
God bless all of you,
Sunny, Scooter&Jamie
pee ess o petrapotpie. mi liddol hart hurtz fur u. pleez no i luff u. u r mi one an onlee, fureffer-if u want me. sad liks, scooter

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We are holding you in our hearts.
Love, Jamie and the kids

MJ's doghouse said...

oh dear petra pot pie...i am sorrry about your have the big job now of keeping mommy feel cuddled and loved

Lacy said...

w00f's petram ne iz sooo sorry u iz having to go through this sad time...mayb my sis angel lacylulu can keep him company till its time fur his family to go..ur all in our thoughts and prayers..

a sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama..

Asta said...

I hold you and youw family in my heawt..I am so sowwy
smoochie kisses

Emily and Ike said...

I'm really sorry about your gramps.

The Puppies said...


We are so sorry to hear this. WE hope you and the rest of your family are doing okay in this tough time. We are thinking of you and hope you can make Motch feel better.
The Puppies

FleasGang said...

We just wanted to let you know that we're thinking about you and your people. Your Grandpop was a special fella.

Jason, Shelly & Tommy

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Petra,
I learned the sad news of your Grandpa, also Tadpole's grandpa's passing. I'm so sorry, Pedra.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, love you lots.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Grampa's passing, Petra...our thoughts are with you and your family as you go through this tough time. Take care.


Stanislaw said...

Here's to a peaceful journey for your gramps, and to a wonderful afterlife surrounded by all those he loves and has missed dearly. I heard that heavenly world is supposed to be a wonderful place.

We're thinking of you and your family.