When he saw me, his tail wagged and we had lots of fun playing together.
He was pretty quick, but not as fast as me!
He went to visit Grammy because we thought she might like to adopt him. She liked him,and quickly changed his name to Teddy because she thought he looked like a teddy bear. He was cuddly and slept on her lap.
So ends my story. I have my paws crossed that they will take good care of him because he deserves a good home.

But the next day, his owner called and was crying and wanted him back. She said they would try to get him housebroken and spend more time with him. I guess having him gone overnight made them realize they didn't want to part with him.
So ends my story. I have my paws crossed that they will take good care of him because he deserves a good home.
Maybe you and he can have playdates sometime? You two play really good together! The first time I saw Paris I wanted to kill her!
And maybe Motch could have him over when she goes to work...boy you two would be exhausted when she got back home!
Timmy looks like such a cutie..I hope his hoomans wise up and take the time to cawe fow him pwopewly..if not I think his Place should be wif youw Gwamma..sounds like a pawfect setup to me..you could play togethew..he obviously appweciates you ..how could he not?
Hope you had fun
smoochie kisses
Hmmm I wonder what will happen. Pups/dogs are hard work and humans have to make an effort. I hope they realise how lucky they are to have a little fella like Timmy.
You two play really well together.
Glad you had a fun time.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
I hope they now realize how much they love him and he gets the home he deserves. Sounds like maybe your grandma needs a dog.
I sure hope he is ok. Is Grammy ok too? Not too sad that he didn't stay with her?
Hope you had a nice Easter...
Lots of Licks, ruby
Massah is still utterly and unspeakably disgusted with those people and she could hardly stand to look at that woman this morning on the way to work. She still can't make herself get the pictures of him and Grammy off her camera. It makes her stomach hurt and her eyes tear up.
I don't think I've ever seen Massah so mad. But she has a special place in her heart for neglected doggies.
Just makes her sick. Literally.
How about you keep him? It sounds like you all had a great time..
We also hope they take really good care of him...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
well I certainly hope they take care of the little guy! I sure hate it when people give up dogs, I mean, that is how I ended up with TANNER?>!!!!
Hi Petra,
I came over from Tadpole's blog to read your post on Timmy/Teddy. His story makes my heartbreak. I feel so bad for him having parents who are not taking care of him as they should. I wish he could have stayed with Grammy. They looked so happy in those pictures on Tad's blog.
Wags & wiggles,
Oh, Timmy is adorable. I hope his ower would keep him, I'll keep my paws crossed too.
Love ya lot
Hi, Petra!
Sure you had fun together!
I hope he gets all the attention and love he deserves!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Petra!
I hope you had a lovely Easter! Paws crossed that Timmy's owners are able to keep him and give him everything he needs to be a happy and healthy doggy!
:) Tibby
How sad that Grammy did not get to have Teddy. She would have taken great care of him and he could have come a played with you all the time.
Timmy is a cutie, Petra! We hope your grammie wasn't too sad that she had to give up her new found friend! We sure hope Timmy's hoomans start to appreciate him a whole lot more now!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, I read about Timmy over at Tad's place and I really really really hope they do the right thing. Sigh.
wally t.
You and Timmy sure know how to have fun! It's great that his owners decide to take him back...I hope he'll have a great and long future with them.
Timmy is just one letter away from Tommy! He's super fluffy looking and you two looked like you were having a ball!. I especially liked the way you kept all your toys on your bed - out of harms way :-)
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