Question: does this pup look like me with dyed, longer hair and floppy ears?

I think so, too, but it's not me. It's
CUBBIE (Motch's pekingese). He came after her monkey, and in my opinion, was a big improvement because he wasn't wild and also and more importantly because his nose was smashed like mine.

But I'm still cuter, don't you think?
No question on your cuteness Miss Petra Pot-Pie. In fact, next to me you are the cutest BT...hey wait, that's not to me and Figgy. Or we could just narrow it down to the 2 darn cutest brindle's that???
Did you get any PA barkday cake???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You are definitely cuter. We maybe a bit biased...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
hay hay petrapotpie!! ok anok. I am soooo citered to git to vizit u!!!Whut a sillee qwestshun. u r the cuterest of efereedoggee!!! u iz beeuteeful liddol petra. ok anok mom sez we r tryin to ketch up. i am jus glad tu see ur o so cuterest face!
mom sez we iz sorree we did mis motch's and yer pa's burfdaz. we haf missed a hol lotz. mom sez she wil halp us not miss so much. (note from mom-if this blankety blank computer would cooperate it would be a bit easier. I have been thinking of you though and hoping your mom is getting through her loss. As well as you and all of yours. Y'all stay in our prayers)
ok anok. godda go mom sez.
mmuuaahhh mi liddol petrapotpie!
My my my Petra. I'm so sorry that I failed to read your blog lately but I won't forget you.
First off, Happy Birthday to both Motch and PA. We wish them a year filled with happiness!
Now lets go back to previous previous posts, k?
Lets see, yeah the birdhouses that your Grandpa built, are the birds still living in there? What an art piece, look like a cathedral to me!
I have a bass that can sing and wiggle the tail mounted on the wall, that bass scared me a bit!
Do you notice your granparents look like each other a lot, more than 60 years together, what a loving commitment!
Your grandma has a nice and kind face, pretty smile too. I can tell you and your grandma comfort and enjoy each other's company.
Love ya lot
My mini-schnozzle friend makes AWESOME snorty sounds. Do you?
Cubbie sure was cute but yes, you are cuter!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Poopy Pee Pee (PPP) - you are a smooshy faced treasure!
It's not even close
Of couwse you awe cutew
smoochie kisses
ha! i love that ooooooooooooold picture of motch and cubbie!
without a shadow of a doubt Petra honey! you didnt even need to ask.
You are at least 30 bazillion times cuter!!!
Smooshie noses rock!!
Cuter by far - no threat at all!
Cuter by a mile in a more updated way.
We just happen to think that you are the cutest BT ever, Petra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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