Wednesday, January 23, 2008

carrying on...

Thanks, everyone, for taking the time to send me get well wishes. I'm healing, slowly. I still spend my time resting. Motch put all of my toys away so I wouldn't be tempted to play, but I just don't feel like playing yet. That's why I was so excited when I saw what the Fleas Gang has been up to. These buttons made me perk up and put a smile on my face. Go to and get a button for yourself!


Lady Kaos said...

Poor Petra. You look so sad in that picture. I don't like thta you're feeling so yucky! Take it easy for awhile and I'm sure you'll feel better soon.
I'm glad other people are coming up with cool marketing for Tad. Mom has been really busy at work and with this doctor's appointment tomorrow and we haven't been able to work on more flyers for Tad. We have lots of ideas and will hopefully get more done soon.
Feel better soon!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Sweet look so very very sad. It makes me sad. :( I hope you are feeling a little better and please hang in there, ok?

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

Petra we want you to feel better now. Please do. We love that button. I will vote for Tad even if he doesn't buy me a pony.

Joe Stains said...

Petra it just makes us so sad to see you sick. I sure hope you get better very soon.

Mack said...

I sure hope you get better soon! You are too sweet to be sick!
You look soooo sad in that picture. I hope that's only because your mom took your toys away and not because you feel bad!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Petra,
Keep resting well okay? I want to see you up and running soon so you really need to get as much rest as you can right now.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
You need to rest as much as you can so you will feel better soon!
Don't worry. Time flies and you will be like new real soon!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

Terrier sister. I'm glad that you are feeling better and Motch is taking such good care of you. You will be playing hard very soon. We will have to get one of those buttons for Tad. We don't need a pony, but maybe if we had one Grammie would move us somewhere bigger. Maybe he should have offered raw turkey necks.

Stanley said...

Sweet Petra Pie!

I hope that sad face is replaced with a happy and comfortable face sometime soon. Has your vet seen you yet? The healing goob smooches are flying your way. Be sure to take them all!

That Tad button is SO COOl! We're going to the Fleas blog NOW!

Goober love & smooches,

Duke said...

We're sending you more AireZen Petra! Feel better soon, okay? Please don't look so sad. You're making us feel bad!
Tad's button is so cute!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i heard that u're sick..

hope u're feeling better now...

Ferndoggle said...

Poor little up. And tell your Mom you need lots of cookies to help you get well. Lots & lots of cookies!


Asta said...

Petra my sweet little one don't twy the jumps till youw all healed..I'm so sad to see you so depwessed..I wish I could come and huggle you and give you my pawsonal healing'll be fine, just be patient little cutie
smoochie kisses

Balboa said...

Oh no, Poor Petra,

I am glad your mommy is home to take care of you. I am sending you lots of get well wishes. Like other doggies said, I wish I was there too, so I could give you lots of kisses and cuddle with you.

Frenchie Get well snorts