Thursday, January 24, 2008

feeling much better!

Well, I'm feeling much, much better -- like I turned around all at once. And here's proof. The boy who lives at our house came down the stairs from his bedroom. If you remember, there are jail bars at the bottom of the steps to keep me from going up. Well, the boy was in a hurry and stumbled over his backpack which was sitting on the steps and it knocked the bars down! I was quick to respond to the mishap and bounded up the stairs and went right into Leah's room where I found the kiwi! Yes, the kiwi! Woo! Of all the animals in Leah's room, I love the kiwi. But for some reason, I'm not allowed to play with it. Maybe because it's one of her favorites, I don't know. But I found the kiwi and claimed it and brought it downstairs.

Motch didn't even take it away from me. She let me roll on the ground and chew it up. "Oh puppy pie", she kept saying, "I'm so glad you're feeling better!" After laying around for 5 days, I've got a lot of catching up to do. Onward ho!


Ruby Bleu said...

Yay Petra Pie!!!! I'm so relieved!!! I'm sure Leah won't mind sharing Mr Kiwi...especially because you are feeling better. Rest up a little for celebrating Figgy's barkday!!! W00t!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jen and Suki said...

I am so happy you're better!! What a relief. Hoorah for the Kiwi, whatever that is! :)

Peanut said...

woo hoo we are glad you are feeling better. Go get all the toys girlie

Stanley said...


I'm stinkin' excited you are feeling better, sweetums. Looks like the proof is in the Kiwi!

Goober love & smooches,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
It makes me so happy to hear that you are feeling much better!
Good job with that kiwi!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

Way to go terrier sister! Shake the devil out of those stuffies. It's not your fault that the boy can't balance on his two legs.

Poppy said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better!!!


Joe Stains said...

This made our whole day!!!! We are so happy!

Duke said...

We are so happy that you're feeling better, Petra! Mitch is so jealous that you got to sneak upstairs and steal Kiwi! He said to please send that little boy who knocks down gates to our house!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ferndoggle said...

Yay for Kiwis! After your bout of deserve all the kiwis you want!

Glad your a-ok, girly.


Mack said...

Oh my Sweet Petra!!
I am soooo happy you are feeling better! I can tell Motch is too- She even let you play with Mr Kiwi!

You have a GREAT weekend and get caught up on all your mischief, er I mean playing!

Love and happy sugars,

FleasGang said...

Hey! That's super that you're feeling like yourself again, Petra. I'm sure Leah won't mind you playing with her Kiwi. She's too old for stuffed animals anyway ;-)

The FleasGang

Lady Kaos said...

I so happy to see you feeling better! I was getting really worried about you! Be sure to take full advantage of the treats and attention you're going to get because they're so happy to see you feeling better!

Frasier said...

Hi Petra
So glad the surgery went great but not too happy with them slicing into your bladder.But its good to see you stealing toys!!!!
Something about forbidden fruit tasting the best!
PS:Mommy celebrated her citizenship day all by herself and a bunch of friends....conspicusly(?) missing was the love of her life!

Luckie Girl said...

I am glad you are feeling way better now! Take it slow okay? :)

leah said...

aw, you know you can have that old kiwi. i just didn't want fig to kill it.

Mack said...

You are quite the Poet P3!

Hope this Monday finds you as good as new!


Asta said...

I am dancing with happiness!!!! You'we bettew!!! Yeah!!!! I'm suwe youw Mom would give you the wowld, let alone Mr. Kiwi..It's so gweat to see you happily munching..I would so love to wun ovew and play with youw puppy pie cutie
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

woofies Petra, it iz nice to meeteded seed u on dat Goober Stanleys bloggy and thot me wood come say sorrwy u been sicky, but sooo happy u iz now feelin betters...
take it ez and rest a lot...heehee and play wiff ur Mr Kiwi....

b safe,