Monday, April 7, 2008

party time

I'm so excited! Today I get to fly on Aire Ruby & go to Asta's Welcome Home party (and shhhh....surprise birthday party for 2-year-old Captain Ruby Bleu). I was so busy this weekend that I didn't have time to get any food ready. I thought these left-over Easter eggs might work, but after one short sniff, I changed my mind.

Yikes! I think I hear the engine roaring above my house right now! I'm outa here!


Anonymous said...
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Peanut said...

Oh man I bet the eggs would have been good.

MJ's doghouse said...

hi petra...i hope you guys all have fun at asta and ruby's party. \i wont be coming cuz i am going to stay home and keep my figures crossed and my paws crossed for my daddy....but if he does go...i will have a big bon voyage party for him ....those eggs must smell funky..i smell them from here...whew....they smell a little like heaven...and petra thanks for your good wishes...

Mack said...

You didn't throw those eggs away yet, did you? Cause I would eat them - all.

See you when you get on the plane!


Stanley said...


See you at the pawty, girl! Don't worry about bringing grub... I think we are MORE than covered on that front.

Goober love,

Moco said...

Save me a seat and leave those eggs at home.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We sure hope you had fun at your party....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Duke said...

We're bring enough food and wine to sink an AireVan, Petra! Don't worry!
See ya soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

I think we will have plenty to eat, plus it is NYC we can find all kinds of food!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Sure its going to be a great double celebration party!
don't worry about the food. I am sure we will have lots of yummy things there!
See you there

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah. Pawty on Aire Ruby are so fun. :)

~ Girl girl

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Petra,
Those don't look like eggs at all! They look more like colorful tennis balls. :)