Tuesday, June 10, 2008

come and listen to my story

Thank you, friends, for listening to my story. I am so glad that I can open my heart to you and share my deepest feelings, knowing you will understand. I can feel your sympathy as I look into your eyes during these trying times.

I hardly know what to say, or how to begin, so I'll just blurt it out. I'm very disappointed in Fig. Pure and simple --- that's it in a nutshell. Disappointed in Fig, my cohort in crime. Fig, the destroyer of couches. Fig, the daughter of Rowdy. Too often, she treats me like I'm a little sister. I feel disrespected as an aunt, but her aunt is who I am, and as such, I should be respected. True, I'm six years younger than her, but I'm still her aunt. No fault of my own, let me assure you; sometimes things just happen that way.

This video will explain what words cannot say. Please watch with me.

Fig needs to show respect to Aunt Petra by PLAYING. When she comes to my house, we play. We don't sit around and sleep, we play.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What is up with her. You are so ready to play. She needs to get off her bumm and play...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey P-Pie...
So #1 you do know Figgy loves you and she respects you, but I think Fig is in a funk ...don't you? She looked all sad on her bloggy yesterday and now this. Is she not feeling well? It's not like her not to want to play. Maybe Tad bit her again!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Petra,

I think Fig is just tired of the hot weather (as are we all).

You can come up to chicago to play--we watch the Cubs all the time! Maybe you can chase the bunnies out of the yard...


Dandy Duke said...

Fig is being a poopoohead! She needs to perk up and play!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

well it looked like she was going to play there at the end of the video.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Poor Petra! That Fig was being a real grump! We hope that she got over it and played with you at least a little bit! We'd play with you Petra!
Ozzie & Rocky

Jen and Suki said...

Petra, you are such a big girl now! Fig is crabby, what's up with that??

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Maybe you need to have a serious talk with Fig!
I'd love to play with you!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Petra, I do see where you are coming from with this, but have you heard of the saying 'respect your elders' ??? poor Fig needs some rest every once in a while! I love both of you lovely girls, I hate to see you guys upset with each other!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. that's not very nice. I would play with you if I ever come to visit

~ Girl girl

Mack said...

I think Miss Fig was trying to nap pretty Petra!!

I wouldn't take it personal.
Besides, looks like you got her going at the end of the video!!

Stanislaw said...

Big Pupi does that to me!! I try to get him all riled up with a toy, and he just takes it away and ends the fun. Sure, I'm the younger brother, but c'mon!

I have a strange obsession with leather, and I MUST lick all leather that I see. Even if it's my vet's belt, I will go through my exam licking that delicious leather. So, those sofas look incredibly tasty to me. How do you resist?

Stanislaw said...

Big Pupi does that to me!! I try to get him all riled up with a toy, and he just takes it away and ends the fun. Sure, I'm the younger brother, but c'mon!

I have a strange obsession with leather, and I MUST lick all leather that I see. Even if it's my vet's belt, I will go through my exam licking that delicious leather. So, those sofas look incredibly tasty to me. How do you resist?

Moco said...

It is hard when no one wants to play. I have that problem all the time. No one wants to race me, play tug-o-war or bitey face. We have some duds.

Poppy said...

Poor Petra! I can tell you're trying so hard to get her to play!


Ferndoggle said...

Fig remindes me of Sherman. Usually he just lays around like a lump taking up space.


Stanley said...

It looks like Fig FINALLY came around to your way of thinking. Remember... R-E-S-P-E-C-T... tell me what it means to me!

Go Aretha.

Goober love,

Sparky said...

I hope she didn't catch you on your nose there at the end! I think Fig needs some happy pills!

Noah the Airedale said...

Oooh Fig's a cranky pants. Maybe it's too hot for her to play.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

Asta said...

I just am speechless that Fig would tweat you like that
smoochie kisses