Tuesday, June 17, 2008

moments of joy

We just celebrated father's day, and as you know, I gave my dad a cookie and a card. They were wonderful gifts, especially that cookie.

Motch went shopping for my dad, too, and came home with two bags; one for her and one for him. They disappeared into the closet to work, but I didn't pay much attention to them because I was preoccupied on that lazy Sunday afternoon.

Oh, the pure delight of chewing a pair of leather boots! There's little in life that compares with it. And with a whole closet full of shoes at my pawtips, life was heavenly.
I am a pup of many talents (a musician and a cook, for starters) and now I've discovered another skill: I am a shoemaker. Notice the detail; what a masterpiece. Each shoe was given the same amount of attention as I slowly and carefully added my artistic touch. Magnificient, if I do say so myself.
Yes, life was good last Sunday afternoon, until I walked into the closet and found that all my shoes were gone. The floor was empty. Not a crumb of leather was left on the floor.
And then I looked up. That sneaky Motch and PA took my shoes and threw them in a bag and hung them on a wall.I saw PA take two pairs of his shoes and throw them in the garbage, but Motch kept her leather boots. She's a good mom; I can't wait to see her wear those in the snow next winter.


Anonymous said...

Oh Petra - you would be in BIG trouble if you ate out shoes here... Good thinking on your parents to conserve their very nice leather shoes!

Ruby Bleu said...

Your talents never cease to amaze me Petra, but how rude to take all your shoes away!!! At least you still have your boots!!!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Mack said...

You are really going to town on those boots aren't you Miss P!???

You should definitely enter yourself into Lenny's PawLimpics!

And that look of surprise on your face when you discover your leather shoes have been displaced - priceless!!!

Ferndoggle said...

Nice Job Petra! You really do rock!


Peanut said...

I think Motch and PA are evil for putting your shoes up in that thing where you can't get them.

Lady Kaos said...

I've never tried shoes before. My Mom says to not even try it. How in the world are yous supposed to make their shoes look nice if they're hanging way up there? I think one of us tall dog is going to have to come help you! I'm not too tall, but I'm sure someone like Peanut or maybe even Nanook could help you!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is so sad. They took your shoes away.. You look so abused..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Dandy Duke said...

How ungrateful they are for not realizing what works of art they have! You do nice work, Petra!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Beckett said...

I feel your pain, Petra. My mom keeps all her shoes in a separate closet and keeps the door shut. The tasty, tasty laundry is in there too.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
I am not a big fan of shoes but I can see that you did a great job with those boots!
Too bad they put them on that bag!
I guess you need to find something else to practice your artistic skills!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

You did a great job on all those shoes. What is a matter with Motch? Doesn't she realize you are learning a trade.

Asta said...

I was dazzled by youw awtwowk on those bootses..what flaiw!!!!!!
I can't believe that they put the west out of youw weach..that's stifling talent.
My Daddi takes a nap wif me evewy day when he comes home fwom the wun with me..he's mad that he get tiwed, but I don't cawe, I like napping wif him
smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no... why would they take away your shoes..

~ Girl girl

Beckett said...

Hey Petra,

Trust me, I am both the brains and the looks of this operation. I don't know what my mom would do without my help.

I was thinking about putting some red socks in my design, but decided that I'd leave it free of team affiliation so that other baseball-loving dogs (except Yankee fans) could enjoy it too.


Anonymous said...

Petra Pie, you are one tough little girl, carrying that heavy boot around, I am surprised you were allowed to keep chewing on it, Nanny would have given me time out for sure.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You look SO sad in that last photo. I'm sorry we humans are so mean about chewing shoes. It's in our genes, what else can I say.

Levi's mom

Aggie said...


Nice job on the shoes! I havent graduated to chewing on shoes yet....Maybe soon.


Stanislaw said...

You are one talented pup, Petra. When I see leather like that I just eat it. I don't know how to turn it into museum-quality work.

Tadpole said...

That's a very, VERY sad story.... But that's put you into the much-revered and enviable position of "underappreciated and misunderstood artist." We will one day see those boots in the MOMA. We should all be jealous.

Asta said...


Hi you cutie...I think you might maybe make an exception fow that violet bubble baf..at least to play wif the bubbles, but i don't wecommend bafs..I think Myrna is nuts
smoochie kisses

leah said...

hey little p, there's a picture of you with the birthday boy on my blog. it makes me smile. =)

Joe Stains said...

OMDOG how RUDE of them to take away all of your shoes. They incredibly SELFISH!

..... said...

Hi Petra,

I guess we would have been good friends if we had lived in the same country. You seem to share my passions. How could life be without chewing anything?! I've lately ripped and chewed the flowers around here.
I'll read your blog as often as possible.
Léchouilles (Licks),