Saturday, July 5, 2008

ahhhh! wallymelon!

We had a cookout yesterday, and my grandpa and grandma and aunts and uncles and cousins came to celebrate the 4th of July. Best of all, Tad and Fig came! We were outside playing when I spotted an interesting green object. Was it a ball? A boat? I asked Figgy to come and take a look. With one glance, she knew what it was: a wallymelon! And we got some! Hannah made us take turns eating it, and Figgy got to go first cause she's the oldest. Tad and Fig have better manners than me. When Hannah said "sit", they held real still and didn't move. I can't do that yet. We had to go in the house to eat more, but I don't know why. Tad got some next. And finally, it was my turn. The wallymelon was just as scrumptious as it was the last time I ate it!

Leah left the party early because she had to work. After a few hours, the rest of the girls decided to go visit her because they could walk to where she works. Since it was the 4th of July, they dressed up in patriotic clothes. When I saw them, I didn't even ask to go along. Just because they were dressed in red, white and blue, I didn't think they looked patriotic. Leah took it all in stride, though, and wasn't mortified like Hannah said she would be.

All of this happened without the aid of any alcoholic beverage. So now you know what kind of a weird family I live with. Was your 4th of July this strange?


Beckett said...

That wallymelon sure looks delicious, Petra.

My mom had to work late on the 3rd and all day on the 5th, so we had a pretty mellow 4th. I wore my red, white, and blue bandanna with bones on it to commemorate the occasion. My mom did a lot of sewing and I did a lot of napping on the cool tile floors.


Mack said...

I wish they were weird-
My peeps are just old and boring!

So needless to say we had a very laid back 4th. I didn't even get any wallymelon, dang it!

Peanut said...

Grammie would fit right in with your family. My mom too. Bunch of weirdos.

Glad the wallymelon was good.

leah said...

wow. i can't believe you put that on your blog.

truly bizarre.

Stanislaw said...

That's some excitable melon feasting by Tadpole. I love the flying ears!

I tasted the pink stuff for the first time ever yesterday. It was super tasty! I'm into sweet and crunchy and it was all that I had hoped for. Thanks for the heads-up on the melon!

My humans are strange too. Very strange. A little too strange...

Joe Stains said...

Wow Petra, your family is SPECIAL!? Do any of them have Doofus Dots ;)

I hope you enjoyed the WallyMelon, I am jealous!

Anonymous said...

"When I saw them, I didn't even ask to go along. "

ahaha... people can be SO embarrasing.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Sure it was nice to have all your family together to celebrate Independence Day!
Yummy wallymelon!
The girls of your family know how to have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Our family isn't nearly as fun as yours, Petra!
We're so glad you got wallymelon! I hope we get some again soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

Your family seems very normal to us. We had wallymelon also and it was very good.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You don't have a weird family, they just are colorful and fun. Glad you got to eat watermelon. That is SO good.

Levi's mom

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It looks like you have a wonderful family. It was so sweet of them to all come and celebrate with you..
They Wallymellon looks yummy..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Our 4th was ok but totally uneventful compared to yours! Looks like your people really know how to celebrate! That wallymelon looked pretty good too by the way!
Ozzie & Rocky

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh yummy wallymelons. Looks like you had an interesting 4th of July. :)

~ Girl girl

Jen and Suki said...

Your family looks so fun!!