Monday, July 7, 2008

happy birthdy grandma

We've been having lots of birthdays around here, and we're not done yet! Today is my grandma's birthday! This is a picture taken last November, the first time my grandma laid her eyes on me. See how happy I made her? When grandma was a teenager, she worked for a rich family and cooked their food. She got some great recipes from them (so says Motch but how would I know because I don't get any good food except for wallymelon and carrots). This family had a dog who was a boston terrier named Ricky. Grandma loved Ricky and has always had a special place in her heart for bostons because of him. Do you know what her favorite story is about Ricky? Whenever she told him he was a bad boy, a tear rolled down his eye. I guess he didn't like to be scolded.
Grandma looked me over real good while I held very still. I had to make sure she approved of me.
She did! And we've been friends ever since. I really like to go to visit my grandma because she collects bears and they are all over her house. I can snatch the ones on the floor and run away with them and chew them! Grandma doesn't even get mad at me.

I love you, Grandma, and I hope you have a very happy birthday!


Mack said...

Happy Birthday Gwamma!

She was so happy to meet you! Her smile says it all!!

Ruby Bleu said...

It looks like the two of you are best of friends!!! Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Beckett said...

Happy birthday Grandma!

She's so delighted to meet you - and who wouldn't be?

Stanislaw said...

Who can avoid a puppy face like that? I think you could make Mr. Scrooge fall in love with you!

Have a fabulous celebration with your Grandma!

Izzie said...

Happy birthday !!

Beau Boston

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your Grandma!

Peanut said...

happy Birthday Grandma. Grandma's are the best aren't they.

Duke said...

awwwwwwwwwwww, those are the sweetest pictures ever of you and your grandma, Petra!
Happy birthday, Petra's grandma!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

You awe so lucky to have sucha bootiful smiley Gwamma..she obviously loved you at fiwst sight!

BOy Motch must have beenspoiled wotten too and eaten awfully well..lucky all of you to have hew
smoochie kisses

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Happy Birthday Grandma and many many more.....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Tadpole said...


Anonymous said...

Awwww! Thank you Petra for the sweet birthday wishes. You are the dearest little puppy, and I love you more and more! Oh happy day when Motch and Pa got you! You make us all very happy! Grammy


Joe Stains said...

Your grandma is as cute as you! Happy Birthday Gramma!!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Happy Birthday to your Grandma!
I like those pictures of you two!
Kisses and hugs

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Happy birthday to your grandma! You sure made her happy with your arrival. Who could not love that face of your, especially in that last photo. I love that one.

Levi's mom

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Happy Birthday to your Grandma. :)
She sure is very nice to you to let you play with her bears. :)

~ Girl girl

Asta said...

The pawade was tewwific, but I think they should have had mowe doggies
smoochie kisses

Moco said...

The two of you look lovely together. Happy Birthday to G-Ma.