Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 14 plus 1

Here are more pictures of my birthday, but before I begin, I'd like to help Stanislaw understand my latest post titles. My birthday is July 14 and it's such a special day that I like to write it as often as I can. July 14 minus 1 is really July 13; July 14 plus 1 is really July 15. I like writing July 14. Do you get it?
After we ate our frosty paws (yum, the thought of them sends shivers up my spine),Fig and Tad gave me a package. In it was a felt ball and I love to chew it.
It was hard to focus on anything else, but Hannah helped me unwrap another toy. It was a loofa dog! My very first one!
I took it to my favorite hiding place ~~under the bed ~~ where I could chew to my heart's desire. After awhile, I let Fig play, too. That only lasted for about 20 seconds because everyone was afraid that Fig would tear it up. No doubt, she would have. She has very strong teeth.
Thanks for all of the birthday wishes, friends! It's fun to be one!


Beckett said...

Hi Petra,

That loofa dog looks like so much fun. I'll have to ask my mom for one... but maybe not until she forgives me for eating her dental nightguard last night. Whoops!


Beckett said...

You know how people food is so much tastier than dog food? I figured my mom's chew toy would be so much chewier than mine...


Asta said...

You are the pwettiest one yeaw old girl in the wowld!!! and I'm so glad you got nice pwessies and had such fun..
love and smoochie kisses

Duke said...

That loofa doggie is as big as you are, Petra! Is he still in one piece? The felt ball looks like fun too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

You got some awesome stuff! We had a loofa dog and then we killed it. Sad day, it was a great toy. YOu look very pretty in your picture with the felt ball!

Mack said...

What a great birthday you had!

Did Fig ever tear up your Loofah??

I could see her & Tad really eyeing it!!

Stanislaw said...

Thanks for the explanation, Petra. I guess I should title all my posts with some variation of "July 26"?

Those toys look tasty! Hope you're recovering from your big day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Petra!

Nice picture of you at the end of your post--I'm thinking holiday card?


Ruby Bleu said...

I think that loofa dog is bigger than you Petra!!!! BOL!!! I like your hiding place too!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Loofa dog looks like a real hit for your birthday gift. Your under the bed hide-out sure is neat.

Levi's mom

Jen and Suki said...

That loofa is as big as you! I've never seen one that big before! You sure are a lucky girl, Petra Pot Pie.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Fig sure have strong teefies. You look so cute in the last photo Petra. Happy birthday to you again. :)

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said...

Happy barkday Petra..sorry we're late. Your loofa dog looks like fun.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Peanut said...

I'm so glad your brithday was good. You got some great presents.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
You got a nice loofa! Yes, it is bigger than you!
Under the bed is a perfect place to chew it!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

omdog that Loofah is bigger than YOU! Thank dog they stopped Tadpole from stealing it from you and you made a clean getaway!!