Tuesday, July 29, 2008

remembering sadie

On July 30, 2007, just one year ago today, Sadie left my family and went to Rainbow Bridge. I never knew her but from what everyone has said, she was the best of the best. Leah made this video of her, and I'd like to share it with you.

Many of you knew about Sadie through Tad and Fig, and your love expressed in their blogs when she died comforted my family more than you will ever know.
This is Sadie's place, under a tree in our yard. I never go potty here because it is sacred ground! I like to look up at the sky and imagine how happy she is at Rainbow Bridge because now she is able to run and jump and dance around!
I've been told that Sadie will always be remembered for her gentleness. Motch called her Sadie Love because that's what she was, just a big bundle of love. Sometimes she accidently calls me Sadie, and I don't mind but I don't have her disposition! In Sadie's 13 years, she never snapped or growled at anyone. Fig put her to the test when she arrived in our family, because she wanted to be the boss and terrorized Sadie, but Sadie was patient and endured her visits. And eventually, they even became buddies!

Sadie was happiest when she could sit next to you -- touching you --- or rest on your lap. When she grew older and became deaf, she obeyed with hand signals. And whenever she had to go potty, she rang a bell next to the door. I should say that she BANGED it! Loud! She would take her paw and smack it with all of her might and you could hear the bell all over the house. It wasn't especially fun to hear in the middle of the night, so that's one of the reasons why I haven't been trained to ring Sadie's bell when I want to go outside.
Leah was especially close to Sadie, and Sadie taught her many things about life and death. I can see why Sadie loved Leah so much because Leah is just easy to love! If you're listening to me Sadie, I want you to know that I'm taking good care of Leah.
This is Sadie's paw print. It's a constant reminder that Sadie is still with us, close to our hearts. Some day I'll meet her, and the first thing I'll do is run up and give her lots of licks. She'll probably wag her tail and lick me, too, and we'll be best friends. I just know it!


The Puppies said...

Sadie seems like she was a wonderful dog and i know you are doing her proud in taking care of Leah. Keep up the good work!
The Puppies

Moco said...

We remember Sadie. We sent a message to Sam and Daisy to meet her at the Rainbow Bridge. We know they are all playing together with pain and handicaps. She would be proud of the way you, Tad and Fig are taking such good care of Leah.

Mack said...

Sadie is just soooo pretty!

She is probably running around at the Rainbrow Bridge with my mom Emily!

I wish Paris was nice like Sadie!!

leah said...

aww, this made me cry. (again) thanks for the lovely message to sadie, who of course is watching us all!

Ruby Bleu said...

What a bootiful post. I know Sadie would just love you and you will be the best of friends one day...just not for a long long time. You will never take Sadie's place, but you are doing a pawsome job carving your own special place and taking such good care of everypup!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Eduardo said...

OMD, I didn't know Sadie but if she was half as sweet as you then I know she must have been a wonderful doggie. Mommy is all sentimental & I had to kick her off the computer because she started crying. Mommy loves animals & believes that they should be treated as well as humans,(I'm so lucky). She loves to hear stories about families who have great love for their animals! I do too.
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is so sweet. We know that she is truly missed and you can remember all the great times you all had with her...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
My mom is crying to reading your beautiful tribute to Sadie.
I know how much your family loved her. I just can imagine all the good memories they have.
We will never forget Sadie.
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

see sadie was smart she knew you have to bang bells loudly so humans hear it otherwise they ignore it. Sadie's spot of rest is beautiful.

Stanislaw said...

All of us here have soft spots in our hearts for cocker spaniels. She looked like a lovely girl. I sure would have liked to play chase and wrastle with her! What a lucky pup to have been so loved. I hope you realize how fortunate you are too!

Duke said...

What a wonderful tribute to Sadie, Petra! She would be very proud of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

FleasGang said...

I can't believe it's been a year all ready. Petra has really filled a void in your family and hope that she will grow up to be just as wonderful as Sadie Love.

The Fleas

Jen and Suki said...

This brought many tears to our eyes a year ago and again we just can't hold them back. I'm sure Sadie is so proud of you and Fig and Tad for taking care of Leah here on Earth and Sadie is taking care of her from the Rainbow Bridge too.

wally said...

Sniff. It is hard to lose our friends but they are always with us, ringing bells quietly when we need them the most!


Joe Stains said...

Petra, this is a great tribute post to a great gal.