The meal ended with lots of cookies and candy, and I probably don't have to tell you that we didn't get any of that, either.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Rocks
It's hard to believe that Christmas came and went already!
We started celebrating on Christmas Eve with lasagna to eat. Lasanga for the humans and dog food for the rest of us. When Motch made the salad, I got a few bites of cucumber that fell to the floor, and I really liked it. 
I was pretty happy in this picture, but Leah wasn't. She said my cucumber gas got stuck to her jeans and the smell made her sick. She actually changed clothes and threw her jeans in the wash machine. Bah hum bug to her!
It was a pretty tiring day for Tadpole.
And forFiggy.
And for me.
But then Christmas morning came and we were revived and tore into our presents!
Fig and I played tug of war and proceeded to completely ruin our new toys.
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Oh man - just imagine the gas you could've had with that lasagne! Leah would have had to take a bath!!!
Looks like a pawfectly wondewful chwissmuss at youw house..Destwoying toys is what it's all about, hehehe and of couwse being wif family, snuggling and sneeping, and a few yummie tidbits.
You look angelic ..ackshually , you all look adowable
smoochie kisses
Hi Petra!
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! The holidays sure are tiring! I hope you and Tad got a nice long nap after all the hustle and bustle!
What an awesome Christmas you had, Petra! What a bummer that you didn't get any of those cookies! They sure look yummy but you did get cucumber and those are good too! Sorry about the gas!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, Petra. That table looks crazy delish! I don't think I could have controlled myself. But I'm sure you have much better manners than I do.
Kudos on the cucumber farts!
Murphy Dogg
Hi, Petra!
Glad you and your family had a pawesome Christmas!
I am sure everything was delicious!
Cucumber farts?? Haaaaa! Poor Leah!
Kisses and hugs
lol...cucumber farts rule....way to go Petra...isnt is funny how much our human hate our farts...but when they fart it is like a delightful curiosity to us...wierd....i guess we just have way better noses than they do...they just dont get it
Wow, it looks like you had a great Christmas! It's too bad you ruined your toys, but sometimes it's fun to ruin something. And those last two pictures of you are awesome!!!
You look pretty tired out in most of those pictures. That's too bad about the gas. You should tell her that's not such a bad thing. It could have been poop.
Too bad you were deprived of good food. Toys almost make up for it though.
that was not cucumber gas... that was anal gland secretion, petra! YUCK!
Looks like you had lots of fun and good company!
Petra Girl!!
Congratulations on gassing your sister right out of her jeans! That is some accomplishment!
Who is taking that photo of you, Figgles & Tad and what are they promising you in return? You look model perfect in that photo. I LOVE it!
My fave photo by far is the one of you & Tad cuddling under your silver blankie! You look like you're still basically asleep or you're high on Christmas.
Goober love,
veggie farts are the best, if you really want to get the humans, eat some broccoli!! Looks like you had a great Christmas!
Wow we thought Tess had potent gas attacks but our pinkies have never had to change their clothes...that's hilarious.
Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for sharing the holiday snaps with us.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
PP I loved your holiday pictures hope you and your whole family have a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year
Love, hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Pearl & Nanny
Mom says she understands Leah's pain. I'm not allowed to have cucumbers anymore either. Mom says DO NOT eat broccoli!! My broccoli gas can clear an entire house!!!
My Mom loves having lasagna for Christmas Eve but we missed out on it this year because our stupid oven decided it didn't want to wait until after Christmas to stop working. Mom says she'll get her lasagna next Christmas Eve though even if she has to take it to work to cook it (or come to your house)!
hay,hay petrapotpie. i haf ben missin u soooo much. i did get tu luk at yur picshurz. ok anok az alwaaz, u r soooo beeutiful. i am so gladerer u hadeded a gud krismas. mi mom sez soon we kin be on this puterer agin an visit frenz an mi petrapotpie!!! u iz the appel ov mi eye(sunny sez that iz a gud fing. i doan unnerstan it, but ok anok!)
mmmuuuaaahhh an happee nu yeerz
ok anok
Looks like you all had a pawsome xmas. ;)
~ Bae
oh petra! i loved the picture with all the three of you.. that is indeed some family picture!
sorry we came in a little late. we missed all that wonderful gassy smell.. BOL.. i'd like to believe that maybe by now, the smell had already gone off to pester some other hooman's nose.. teeheee..
we missed you! oh.. its new year's eve in our side of the hydrant.. im trying my best to stay hidden in one corner and just sleep through the horrors of the firecrackers cracking.. *sigh*
wishing you a prosperous 2009!
drooly kisses,
What a wonderful Christmas, gas and all.
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