It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The tree is up, the stockings are hung, the lights outside are strung over the bushes, shopping has started, presents are beginning to appear under the tree, cards are waiting to be addressed, and Christmas music is blaring away.
And Motch started baking. Yummmmmm! I stood faithfully by her side as she worked in the kitchen and was careful to avoid being stepped on. Hour after hour, I stood at attention and found my reward in a few pretzels and some chex mix that fell to the floor.
The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is beginning to wear me out!
Oh Petrapotpie! u look sooo beeutifull. ok anok. i haf ben takin spellin lessonz! do u fink i am doin bedder?
thoz foodz look berry good. i hope u did git lotz!
Wow, you have a tall Christmas tree! We're going to get ours this weekend...I hope it doesn't rain! You look very cozy there on your blanket. Don't work too hard!
That is a very tall Christmas tree! That food looks delish! Stay warm & cozy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Great chefs always need good sous chefs! You could of gotten one of those delicious looking cookies though ;-) And I can't believe that Santa already stopped by your house with some "teaser" presents!
Shelly & Tommy
That is a lot of hard work little P. Hey, what are those different yummy cookies you have there.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Your tree is huge. Ours is 3 feet tall. haha
"found my reward in a few pretzels and some chex mix that fell to the floor" ...and which gave you HORRIBLE gas!!
Mom says she's going to start baking this weekend! My mom is a really messy baker so I stay close while she's baking. I love when Mom bakes!!!
Ummm those cookies look sooo good. I am glad that you got a few tastes!
Sloppy Licks,
Ummm those cookies look sooo good. I am glad that you got a few tastes!
Sloppy Licks,
Ummm those cookies look sooo good. I am glad that you got a few tastes!
Sloppy Licks,
Wow, your Christmas tree is AWESOME! And the Christmas snackies looko DELICIOUS! I would wait by Mom's side too if she's making something to eat...hehe!
Chex mix is my most favorite thing in the whole world, Mom loves it too. She should probably make some REALLY soon.
Hi, Petra!
Looks like everything is ready for Christmas at your house!
Beautiful tree and delicious treats!
Kisses and hugs
Petra, you make that tree look HUGE!
Very nice - we are jealous, there is currently NO baking happening in our house!
We love when the baking begins at our house too, Petra! We hope Motch is a messy baker and you get lots of snacks!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Christmas can really be tiring. Now i know that just by looking at my hagard humans. BUt man, if our Christmas preparations are just like yours we would sure be drooling the days away.
the food that MOtch makes are so good to look at.. what are those? they look really tasty...mmmmm...
try not to snooze too long though. esp. on Christmas day.
drooly kisses,
Petra Girl!
Stella wanted me to tell you to "Pace yourself, girl!"
A smallfry like yourself needs to be sure to get plenty of naps between the snacking & guard duties you have in the kitchen with Motch.
Even if you are worn out, you still look stinkin' cute in that last photo. Are you winking at Motch?
Goober love & smooches,
Hi Petra!
You deserve a nice long nap after all the stuff you helped with! Your tree is beautiful and it's so big and tall!
PS: Stop by my blog to see my Christmas card! I'll even send you one if you like!
The best present under the tree?
You are such a good model!
You are such a good model!
You are such a good model!
Oh.. your xmas tree look so pawsome.. I wanna go your house for xmas hee
~ Bae
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