Sunday, March 1, 2009

another confession

I'm tired of this cold weather and I'M READY FOR SPRING!


Lorenza said...

Me too!
Don't worry spring is coming pretty soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Come visit us, it is going to be 90 degrees here tomorrow!!

Moco said...

Hopefully it comes soon. The flowers are coming up. We don't want them to freeze.

BenTheRotti said...

Me and you both! Cold weather sucks!

Ben xxxx

Duke said...

Mom has had more than enough of winter, Petra! We got 8" of snow overnight and it's snowing here again right now for round 2! We are thrilled but mom is ready to see flowers and green!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bae Bae said...

I think it's Spring over my side..
~ Bae

Chef said...

Oh Petra, I'm so glad I found you on the Puppy's blog. You are so cute. I'm also so tired of this long, cold winter. Too much snow and my teeth are chattering. Let's run away to Puerto Rico, k?


Mack said...

Wow - I think you just need to Winter with us Miss Petra. It rarely gets above 40 in the daytime!

Stella said...

Alright, fren!

If you insist on continuing to post irresistibly adorable photos of yourself on your blog, then *I* am going to have to figure out a way to zoom through the puter to give you a goobery kiss! You are THAT cute, girlie!

I'm ready for spring too, but Stanley said he will miss the cold weather. He's a cold weather beast!

Goobery love & kissies,
Stella Bean

Ruby Bleu said...'s been raining a lot lately, but we kinda need it, but I want the flowers and the birdies and to be able to lay out by the pool!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby