Sunday, March 15, 2009

he is in heaven

It still seems like a dream, but he really is gone. At 11:12 PM on March 7, my dad passed from this life to the next, surrounded by my mom and eleven family members. He lived a full life and made every day of his 90 years count. He was dearly loved and will be greatly missed.

Thank you, friends, for every prayer, thought, action and word that was sent our way during the past 6 weeks. Now my focus turns to mom and making sure she takes care of herself as she adjusts to life without dad at her side.

I love you dad. You fought a good fight and kept the faith. I'll see you later.

Your little margie (and petra pot pie, too)


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Petra,
I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandpa passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
The picture of your Grandpa holding you is priceless.
Love and hugs

Unknown said...

You can see in the photos that this was a fellow who loved life. What wonderful memories you must have. Treasure every one of them.

Your pal,


Lorenza said...

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Your Dad was a wonderful man.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Petra pie
Youw GGwampa looks like such a wondewful man and youwewe so lucky to have had him in youw life..We'we sending youw Mommi and Gwama ouw love and stwegth to get thwough this hawd time wifout him
smoochie kisses
ASTA and Mommi

Lacy said...

w00f's, he looks like he was a pawsome man...ur all in our thoughts and prayers...

b safe,

BenTheRotti said...

We are so sorry for your loss. 7th March was the 2nd anniversary of the loss of my Father In Law, he loved life, lived every day to the full and was an incredible man, snatched away from us far too soon at just 59. We hope he met your Dad with a pint and a smile.
No words can comfort you and take away the ache of losing a parent, we know this only too well, but we also know that the love and support of friends can carry you through the hard times so we hope we can help a little.
You are very much in our thoughts and we send you much love.

Sue, T, Mollie, Lilli, Ben & Millie xxxx

Duke said...

Your grandpa looks like a very sweet and wonderful man, Petra! Make sure you give your mom lots of extra hugs, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Sweet Petra,
We are so very very sorry for the loss of your grandpa.

But I know you will take good care of your mom and grandma. Give them lots of kisses from me.

Lucia said...


We are so sorry to hear about your father and wish we could do something to help ease the pain you must be feeling.

You take good care of yourself, ok? (Your papa would want that for you, I'm sure.) Lucia sends smoochies for Petra; I send prayers and thoughts for you.

Lucia and her girl

FleasGang said...

Your grandpop sure had a great smile, Petra! I know you and your family will miss him dearly. But like your mom said, you'll meet again someday.

hugs and snugs
The Fleas and Family

Anonymous said...

Petra Pot Pie

The piktor of you and Gramps on the side bar is just so beautiful, Nanny and I are praying for you and your family he is at peace, take good care of Gram and Mom give them lotsa love and smoochies.

Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Pearl & Nanny

Kelli said...

Oh Petra Pie,
I am so very sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Take good care of yourself and your family. We'll be thinking of you.
-Tibby & Family

Joe Stains said...

He looks like he totally did enjoy every minute. You will see him again, until then we are sending lots of strength and love.

MJ's doghouse said...

sorry for the loss of your dad ...and grampa too...he has a great he will have an amazing time throught the pearly gates...out thoughts are wiht you...

Aki and Poopie said...

hey there petra,

we are sorry to hear the sad news.. we hope everything will get better in time. please take all the time that you need. we are here for you. i know somehow somewhere your grandpa is happy and healthy. take care of yourselves always.

extra hugs to your mum and dad.

drooly kisses,

Aki, Poopie and manang

Moco said...

Grandpa is playing with Sophie at this moment. We just know that if what is happening.
We know you will taking good care of Grandma and Petra will be taking good care of all of you.

Beckett said...

Little P,

We are so sorry for your loss. You will need to be strong for Motch and Grammy and the rest of your family. My mom and I are sending you prayers and pawsitive thoughts.


Tadpole said...

Oh Pitty Patty Petty Pudgy Pot Pie. Sad times. Although maybe he'll have a little extra influence on the fate of the Cubs from up there....

Stanley said...

Sweet Motch!

Looks like your daddy was a good egg and a guy who knew how to love his peeps (and his pups ~ I LOVE that photo of him with Petra on the sidebar over there)! I'm glad he got to be your daddy. Bet he was proud of you.

My girl lost her daddy when she was 17 and told me she has wondered what it would have been like to have him around to talk to once she was an adult. She's praying for you and your mama, and Stella & I are sending many soothing goober smooches your way. Distribute them as needed!

Please give that Petra girl some lovin' from us.

Goober love,

Bae Bae said...

So sorry to hear about your grandpa passing Petra. ;(

~ Bae