Thursday, July 23, 2009

therapy dogs

We've been spending lots of time visiting Grammy, who is in rehab at the nursing home. She's working hard and enjoying her therapists, especially those cute ones.
When I was there the other day, I met some therapy dogs, but I can't remember their names. Do you see the treat on this one's paw? He didn't eat it until he was told he could. All of the dogs did tricks like this, and it made people smile.
No smiles from me, though. I wanted that thing!


Big Pupi said...

Those are my peeps, yo!
Whazzzuuuup to the therapy crew. Woot woot!

But hey - I mean, if he wasn't allowed to feast on that cookie, it doesn't mean that you can't...

Big Pupi said...

Did you know we have to wear bandanananas if we tend to drool? HEE! They look all fancy-like but they're to clean up our faces.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are so glad that grandma is doing well in with her therapy..
Sorry you didn't get any smiles or treats.. We bet Grandma gave you some lovin...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Asta said...

Those doggies suwe do a lot of good fow theiw patients, but I bet you do just as much fow theiw thewapy just by showing up. I've seen how youw Gwammiw lights up awound you
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

We could never be therapy dogs! Cookies must be eaten immediately, not when THEY say!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
I am so happy to know your Grammy is doing so well.
Those are very nice doggies making people there smile.
I agree with Maggie and Mitch!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

MJ's doghouse said...

oh petra pie you little grumpy bum...i bet you got lots of treats when you got home....maybe you should put some in your pockets before you leave you home

Anonymous said...

Oh how cool about the therapy dogs. I hope my next dog I'll be able to do fun things like showing, obedience, therapy. Big plans for my next one for sure. lol

You are just too adorable!

Mack said...

I think you deserve all the treats for being the cutest doggie there!

Poppy said...

I'm sure you are her favorite therapy dog because she loves you the best!


Bae Bae said...

Hee hee. I hope you got lots of treats at the end of the visit

~ Bae