Did you read what she said on my last blog? This is it:
yeah, why AM i an "in-law"?! i hereby denounce my "in-law" title.

So it is my pleasure to introduce you to my sister...LEAH! Formerly known as Massah-in-law. From what I understand, and remember --- I am still a pup --- Massah (Hannah) started referring to Leah as m.i.l. when she started blogging. (Ask
Fig or
Tadpole why she came up with that name.)
But Leah has spoken and I have heard. Henceforth and forevermore, her name is Leah.
I do pay attention when she speaks because she shares her stuffies with me. And I have my eye on the one she is holding in this picture.
However, Tad was over the other day and we had a great time with a pair of
socks. Behold, Tapole is actually PLAYING with ME!
I am now ready for the pop quiz!!
So you have Motch, PA, Boy, Leah (ex M.I.L)and Hannah(Massah) to love you. You are one lucky pupper!
PeeS: Mom and Cousin Kate want to see more video of you chirping cause they say it is the cutest thing "EVER"!!
We are sure glad that Leah put her foot down so we all know who she is and is being called by the right name..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Good for Leah! Stand up & be recognized.
And who needs stuffies when you have perfectly good socks to tug with??? And if they get Tad to play with you, all the better!
I have heard the announcement about the former MIL and I will henceforth only refer to her as Leah! W00t!
What a great video of you 2 playing. Just look at Tad and his hair...shake it Tadpole, shake it!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We love the video! You are Tad were really getting into it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch
Leah it is, hee hee. As long as she gives you treats and any stuffie you want.
I'm so glad Tad is playing with you, you two play so well together.
Frenchie Snorts
We are glad all that name business is cleared up! You are getting SO BIG!
You sure held up your own against Tad. Isn't it strange that he finally warmed up to you? hehehe....
Okay, I'm taking notes for your family quiz. If she wants to be Leah, the lady formerly known as Massah in Law then she shall be known as Leah. LOL!
PS : Dad's flight details have been confirmed and he's not stopping at O Hare! He has a 7 hours transit at Detroit McNamara Terminal instead. :(
Hi, Petra!
Ok! Leah! I got it!
Are you going to be bigger than Tad?
Looks like you two were having fun with those socks!
Kisses and hugs
and now i have one final request: please tell motch to stop putting pictures of me on your blog!!! it's a little disturbing, and everyone really wants to see your beautiful face instead!
Petra Girl!
You are a Master Tugger (from ADT -Association of Dog Tuggers), and I can tell you that you would fit RIGHT IN at our house. (You're welcome anytime, sweetie).
And, you got my boy, the TadMan to actually play with you!!! WooOoHoOOoOO! You are a wizard pup or something. Thanks for showing my buddy Tad a good time!
Goober love & smooches,
Sweet Petra Fren!!!
You are SO LUCKY to be able to play with Tadpole, and to be the one to draw him out of his protective little Chinese shell! You're a wonder dog!
Hairy Stanley told me about your vid, so I had to come see for myself. You and I could DEFINITELY tear up some socks and underwear (not to mention tug toys) if we ever get to meet.
(*Sigh*) Maybe someday, girlie!
Goobery kissies & lots of love,
Oh I like calling Leah Massah in law but hey if she wants to be called Leah okay. Oh and tell her we like looking at pictures of her. I am so glad Tad played with you. You two are sure having fun.
I've always wondered about the in-law part, too. Good for Leah!
You and Tad are stretching those socks out very nicely. It's great to see Tad playing with you.
I was always fond of the M.I.L. title because it doesn't make sense! But I also like the name Leah because my dad's name is Leo and I like him a lot. Plus Leah is one rad chic!
And I agree with Joe - you're getting SO BIG!
You pewfowmed a miwacle..you got Tad to play , and it looks like you'we bof having a gweat time..I wish I was thewe!!
It's vewy nice to meet Leah(she's pwetty!)
You'we lucky to have such a big wondewful family
smoochie kisses
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