Thursday, February 28, 2008

for Mack-Attack and Cousin Kate

A medley of noises from Petra (including some chirping!):


Ruby Bleu said...

You are way too funny and I think I'm laughing so hard because that is EXACTLY what I sound like in the morning when I try and wake my Mom up!!!

Thanks for sharing my sista in chirping!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
I love your video! Sure you make very funny noises!
Thanks for sharing it!
Kisses and hugs

Luckie Girl said...

You are such a major cutie Petra! Thanks for sharing your chirping. hehe...

Moco said...

You sound like Edgar does sometimes. I do that sneezing thing also. You are way too cute.

leah said...

note: that video was taken around midnight during our "vacation" together. i was SO ANNOYED at you! making all those noises FOR MY PEN SITTING ON THE NIGHTSTAND.

i do admit it's really cute and funny now, but at the time i wasn't very amused.

Joe Stains said...

I make ALL those noises too, maybe not as CUTE as you but still, us Bostons are very good communicators!

MJ's doghouse said...

oh are so darn cute...thats all i have to say...

Duke said...

You're so cute, Petra! What sweet noises!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

I hearby declared today "Petra is just way too cute day".

THANK You so much for the video just for me!!!(and Katie too)

You are such a darlin'.


Ferndoggle said...

Petra, you sound like a gremlin!!! And you are too stinkin' cute for words.


Lady Kaos said...

How cute!!! Those noies are very cute, but I could see how they could get annoying when somone is trying to sleep or has to listen to them all day. Since we don't hear them, they're adorable!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh petra! That's so adorable! I wish I could hear those noises in person! You'z just preshus...

~Mack's cousin Katie

FleasGang said...

That was great! And shame of Leah for being mad at you for being such a pest so late at night :-)

The Fleas

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Louie makes those weird noises too.. Not sure what they mean...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Anonymous said...


You sound sooooooo cute when you chirp, plus you are a real sweetie.


Opal & Nanny

Poppy said...

Oh my gosh, you make the exact same noises as me! Those are my frustrated pay-attention-to-me noises.


Balboa said...

Mommy and I played the video over and over, you are just too cute.

I hope you use all those noises to your advantage.

Frenchie SNorts

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hi Petra, you sure make very interesting sounds

~ Girl girl

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

7:30 is early for the weekend. Mom and Dad are both out the door by 5:30 during the week so they weren't happy when we got them up early.. Oh well our evil plan worked, we got to go to the lake!!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Peanut said...

Oh you are so cute. What great noises.

Anonymous said...


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