So Leah and Motch went to New Mexico so Leah could present a paper she wrote about some guy who thought his book would be done as a play but it never happened and she explained why in her paper. Motch said she did a good job and she even understood some of the papers that other people presented (a real accomplishment for Motch who isn't a scholar).

I can understand that they needed some time to unwind after the conference and so they visited Old town.
Leah wrote more about that.

They ate New Mexican food and said it was
And they shopped at lots of stores. Okay, fine, that's always fun.

But what is this? They smooched up to another dog at a pet store! Who cares if he is 5 years old and was rescued just last month and is already so nice he can go to work with his mom every day? Huh? Who cares about that?

After getting up at 4 AM every day for 3 days in a row and behaving my very best for PA, only chirping when absolutely necessary, what happens? Motch leaves and brings back pictures of another dog. What kind of thanks is that?
The only reason they cuddled with that other dog is caused they missed you so much and had to have their daily poochy fix. My peeps are like that too! Don't take it personally. No one could ever replace the Petra girl!
At least now you can sleep a little later, right?
That was completely uncalled for. I bet they didn't bring you back any mexican food either. I'd poo on the carpet.
I can't believe they cheated on you!!! You should get lots of presents to make up for it.
Oh Sweet Girl...I feel for ya. My mom does the exact same thing. Did they bring you something back? I sure hope they did...you SO deserve it!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Petra!
Glad everything went well with Leah and Motch trip!
That mexican food looks yummy... even for me that see it everyday here!
Yes, they missed you so much, thats why they were petting that doggie!
Kisses and hugs
I think Motch is buying lots of beads to make you the most beautiful collar. They look like they had a great time. They were probably dog sick for you and got a doggy fix from that other one. You are still young and have much to learn.
You definately deserve lots of treats for that! You also deserve lots and lots of play time and hugs!
Petra it is ok she was just missing you and thought the other dog needed a little lovin too.. She will be home giving you all her attention in no time... Just hang in there..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
You cewtainly got lots of love at the ski pawty! Evewyone loved you and I'm so glad you came!
I bet Motch only snuggled the othew doggie cause she missed you so vewy much!
smoochie kisses
Maybe Motch decided she doesn't want you anymore because you try to chew on my tail too much....
Just an idea. *shrug*
Gee, that was quite mean of them to flaunt those hurtful piktures in your face. I'd suggest you continue to wake up at 4AM and CHIRP at Motch all day long just to show her who's the real boss.
Awe, poor Petra. But at least she did leave that other dog there and she came back to you!
That Mexican food looks unbelievable good!
Thats big time cheating.And very wrong.
OMD- she was in MY city! I hope she enjoyed the food. I love Mexican but don't get it often as my mom and dad don't like those vicious farts that result.
C-K-C (ABQ girl)
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