Thursday, April 3, 2008

piano tuned

It has been like a zillion years since the piano was tuned (so I've been told, since I've only been living here for 4 months.) Motch had someone come over to tune it and fortunately for him, I was there to help. After a thorough inspection of the tools in his box and piano parts on the floor, I determined that it was okay to proceed.
I'm not the bravest of terriers, but I didn't run away or hide when this guy put the piano back together and played it. As a matter of fact, I'm considering taking piano lessons now. It sounds more fun than obedience school.


Moco said...

Tickle the ivories, little girl. I bet you can sing right along to your playing. Besides who wants to go some place to learn how to behave?

Peanut said...

I am sure you would make a lovely piano player.

Ruby Bleu said...

You should totally go for it Petra...I think you'd be fabulous at it!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are in obedience training right now. We have never seen one of those pianers but we need to get this training done first before we attempt anymore training..

Big sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Anonymous said...

ask asta for lessons - did you know she plays?!

Mack said...

You would make a fine piano player.

Go for it girl!

Anonymous said...

After you take your piano lessons, you could ask to be the organist at Wrigley Field!


Duke said...

Give it a try, Petra! We bet you'll make beautiful music!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lady Kaos said...

Now that the piano is tuned properly, go for it! You could become rich and even more famous than you already are!

Anonymous said...

"not the bravest of terriers"... HAAA! that's the understatement of the year, you silly girl!

Joe Stains said...

our human pup cousin takes piano lessons, he sure likes it. Not as much as drums and guitar, but we all can't be rock stars!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Go for it, make a video and show us your piano skills! I know you will do it great!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think you'll make a pawsome pianist Petra

~ Girl girl

Deefor said...

You are almost the same colors as the piano! Definitely your instrument.


Stanley said...


It doesn't really matter which class you take as long as you get the treats.

Goober love & smooches,

Anonymous said...

I is waiting to hear use perform at Carnegie Hall in NYC, use will be fantabulous. All your DWB fwends will be there to cheers use on.
Hugs, bellyrubs,smoochies