Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Grammy!

There will be a post about Switzerland coming soon, but I need to make an important announcement first. Today was Grammy's birthday! Leah's is coming up too, so we continued our tradition of celebrating both of them together.

I went to visit Grammy later tonight and she shared some of her birthday cookies with me!

I wouldn't give her kisses at first because I was too distracted, but then she came up with an ingenious plan where we could share kisses and cookies at the same time!

She's the best! Happy birthday, Grammy!


Lacy said...

w00f,s Happy barkday to ur granny...shes got the sweetest laugh..

b safe,

Duke said...

Your grammy is a doll, Petra!
Happy birthday to grammy! We hope she has the best day ever!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bae Bae said...

Happy Birthday to your Grammy. :)

~ Bae

Mack said...

Your grammy totally rocks!

I know she really enjoyed seeing you on her special day!!

Stanislaw said...

Happy birthday to your grammy! Anyone that share her birthday cookies deserves LOTS of kisses and snuggles. So happy to hear that her surgery went well!

Jen and Suki said...

Petra! Happy birthday to your grammy and Leah! I hope they have the best days ever. Sending many puggy kisses...


Ruby Bleu said...

Yay Grammy - Yay Leah!!! Hope they both had great days!!! Hope Grammy is feeling better...she looks like she's doing really well...bet it is because of you!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Noah the Airedale said...

Hooray for Grammy..Happy Birthday from the Leuradales

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Moco said...

That Grammy is one in a million.

Kelli said...

Happy birthday to your Granny! We can tell she is a very special lady, and Leah too!
:) Tibby

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday to Grammy and Leah!
I loved the video! It is nice to see her laughing and giving you treats!
Kisses and hugs

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Now lets pass the cake, nom! nom!

Lady Kaos said...

Glad to hear your Grammy is doing good. I think you visiting will help her heal even faster!
Happy birthday to your Grammy & Leah!!!!

Asta said...

Happy Biwfday to youw Gwammie and to Leah too!!1
I love youw Gwammie's laugh..she's wondewful. I loved how she figoowed out how to get kissies and tweats combined.So glad that hew suwgewy went well
smoochie kisses

Poppy said...

Your Grammy sure is awesome! I hope her back feels better soon...I know how that feels. :(


Joe Stains said...

Happy Birthday Leah and Grammy!! She is so stinkin CUTE!

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