We need a public apology -- and fast -- Tad, so your image won't be tarnished as you ARE a public figure and ARE running for office. So take off your fancy clothes, Tadwick, and humble yourself. You won't get votes because of the color of your skin or the clothes you wear but by the content of your character, so step up & take responsibility for your actions.

Ah Petra it is nice of you to take care of the sick and ailing :)
It's nice of you to take care of Fig. The poor little thing looks so sad in her pictures on her blog. I can't believe Tad would do such a thing!
You tell him Petra! This has definitly soiled his image!
Mean Tad! The dude has a temper! Maybe we should start calling him McTad.
It is just so sweet of you to take care of Fig in her time of need! You even gave her a get well present!
I sure do hope she is feeling better. What are we gonna do with that Tad?
We are sure that Tad knows he has been BAD and is trying to make it up to Miss Figgy..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Poor Figarella! I'm sure with you taking care of her she'll be better in no time. I'm sending her some extra healing goober smooches. Take some for yourself too.
By the way, you write very well for only be 6 months old.
Hope Tad listens to your advice.
Goober love,
What a good Auntie you are Petra. I bet Fig will be better in no time with you taking care of her!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
P(ee)S: I'm not barking to Tad until he says he's sorry! I'm not voting for him either!!!
I agwees with Ruby I not going to votes for him either, he better say he is sorry wight away, or his chances of being pwesident will be weally poor.
Glad use taking such good cares of Fig, she looks so sad.
Hugs, bellyrubs,smoochies
Poor Fig! I hope Tad apologizes! It's only right that he does! Thank goodness Fig has you to look after her, Petra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I still can't believe Tad!! You are a wonderful aunt to take care of Fig like that.
You are so special to take care of Fig. She needs all the support she can get in this time of injury. I am sure Tad feels sorry about hurting her and will step up to the plate soon. (Had to get a baseball reference in there.)
Hi, Petra!
I am so sorry for Fig. I am sure it was just a bad moment for Tad! We all know he is a sweet boy!
Glad you are taking good care of Fig. Sure she needs you a lot!
Kisses and hugs
ohoh i sure hope that fig doesnt turn that corn thing into a shank like the doofus does....i dont want him to retaliate...cuz then this could go on forever....anyhow auntie petra..you are one cool little babe....
YIKES!! That's quite the scape!! Glad you are taking care of Fig!! She's lucky to have you!!
I'd tell Tad to watch his back...it's on now!! ;o)
Poor Fig! I hope he heals really soon.
Oh dear.. I hope Fig heals soon. I'm sure Tadpole didn't mean it
~ Girl girl
Well, I guess it was only a matter of time. Those debates have been getting pretty nasty lately.
It's nice of you to stick up for Tad. That really shows maturity.
The Fleas
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